Losing Body Fat vs. Losing Weight


body fat

Weight loss tips, foods, and programs are everywhere; all promising you will lose weight and look great. Often many of these programs will help you achieve weight loss initially, but result in weight gain once you stop following the program. The weight loss achieved in many of these programs is not a true weight loss in the form of fat, but rather a combination of water, muscle, and body fat.

There is a big difference between losing weight and losing body fat. The goal should never be to lose weight, but always to lose fat! You want weight loss to come from fat, not water or muscle. The scale may reflect a smaller number, but you may be losing beneficial muscle, which will result in long-term weight gain, meaning fat-gain.


Body Fat Testing


 It is important to determine whether you are losing fat or muscle, water, and fat. For example if you are a woman who weighs 150 pounds, with 35 percent fat, you’re carrying around more than 52 pounds of fat. Ideally, a healthy woman will be around 25 percent body fat, or about 37 pounds of fat. To reach a healthier level would require 15 pounds of fat loss not weight loss. Say you lost 20 pounds total, but only 10 pounds of it came from fat stores. You would still be at an unhealthy 32 percent fat. To reach the 25 percent body fat level, all 20 pounds must come fat. Body fat testing through body composition analysis is an effective method to measure body fat loss. Below is a body fat chart outlining body fat percentages for men and women.

body fat programs


Dehydration is Not Weight Loss


 Often water or dehydration appears as weight loss changing the numbers on the scale. This is often one of the quickest weight loss tricks used by many programs and products in the market. If you lose weight it is because you’re dehydrated, you’ve only lost water, and the pounds will return in the blink of an eye. Don’t fool yourself into thinking those pounds are really gone. You still have just as much fat on your body as before. In fact, without hydration, the muscles will shrivel up because water keeps them plump and vital, leaving you lighter, but without any energy or strength.


Muscle Loss Slows the Metabolism


Losing weight other than fat is unavoidable, but the loss of muscle mass will cause a rebound effect that leads to weight gain. Muscle is metabolically active and lights your furnace, keeping your metabolism brisk and burning calories. Even when you’re sitting on the couch, you burn more calories if you have more muscle mass on your frame. So losing muscle means your furnace slows down, your metabolism gets sluggish and the weight keeps on coming.


Weight Loss Targeting Fat Loss


The new and latest weight loss programs will continue to emerge with promises of making you lose weight. Indeed, many of these programs will help you achieve weight loss, but likely only temporarily and possibly putting your health at risk. A medication, pill, shot or eating only a small selection of food that tastes like grass is simply unsustainable.

To specifically target fat loss, while maintaining lean body mass and hydration, the carbohydrate intake must be modified. All carbohydrates, good or bad raise blood sugar levels. As a result, too many carbohydrates significantly raise insulin levels, which act as a fat storage hormone, increase the production of cholesterol and increase arterial wall thickness, which induces high blood pressure. While targeting fat loss you must measure water mass/hydration, lean body mass, and body fat percentage to ensure you are achieving true fat weight loss. These measurements can be done through a body composition analysis device or at one of our Solstice Health clinics.


Solstice Health Weight Loss Program


 Our weight loss program was designed to target fat. To date, we have helped our clients achieve over 13,500 pounds of targeted fat weight loss. The Solstice Health weight loss program is four-phase plan where women can expect o lose an average of 2-4 pounds per week and men, an average of 4-7 pounds per week. Our goal is to help our clients achieve weight loss and keep the weight off. If you are interested in learning more about our program, please feel free to reach out and schedule a free weight loss consultation today.

Solstice Health offers 3 convenient locations throughout southeastern Wisconsin.

Oconomowoc Wisconsin Location:

1020 Oconomowoc Parkway, Suite B

Oconomowoc, Wisconsin 53066


New Berlin Wisconsin Location:

17043 West Greenfield Avenue

New Berlin, Wisconsin 53151


Mequon Wisconsin Location: (Opening Fall 2016)

10945 N. Port Washington Road

Mequon, Wisconsin 53092



Source: http://www.livestrong.com/article/78702-difference-between-losing-weight-losing/

Using Your HSA or FSA Account For Medical Weight Loss


Are you looking to lose weight, save money, and utilize your Health Savings Account (HSA), Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Reimbursement Account (HRA)?

Whether your physician prescribed you a weight loss program or you are looking to lose some weight on your own, the Solstice Health Medical Weight Loss Program and food is a qualified expense for you to use funds from your pre-tax accounts. By utilizing the tax advantages of your health expense account, you can lose weight and save money.

We receive many questions on utilizing your health flex spend accounts for our weight loss program. Here are some questions and answers to help guide you through this process.

Q. What is the difference of an HSA, FSA and an HRA account?

A. FSA-Flexible Spending Account or (Flexible Spending Arrangement) is a non-taxable account that you put money into throughout the year to pay for some out-of-pocket health care costs and medical expenses. FSA’s typically have a maximum contribution of $2,500 per year, and usually has to be used by the end of your enrollment year. At times you are able to carry over an amount (up to $500) or extend the time (21/2 additional months). It is always a good idea to check with your employer to understand what rules apply specially to your account. Keep track of what you plan to spend throughout the year so you don’t lose what you have invested into your FSA.

HSA- Health Savings Account is also a non-taxable account that you can withdraw from for qualified medical expenses. Due to the increasing rates of health insurance premiums, many people choose this option to lower their monthly insurance payments, while still having money to put aside in case of a medical emergency. Unlike a Flexible Spending Account, your HSA balance rolls over from year to year, so you never have to worry about losing your savings.

HRA- Health Reimbursement Account is an employer funded, tax advantaged employer health benefit plan that reimburses employees for out-of-pocket medical expenses and individual health insurance premiums. The HRA allows the employer to make contributions to an employee’s account and provide reimbursement for eligible expenses. An HRA allows employees to pay for a wide range of medical expenses not covered by insurance. HRA balances may roll over from one year to the next. An employer may limit what expenses are eligible under an HRA plan.

Q.Can I use my HSA, FSA, or HRA account for the Solstice Health Medical Weight Loss Program?

A. Yes. Our weight loss program is a medically supervised weight loss program and is eligible as a qualified medical expense for HAS, FSA and HRA (check with your employer on what is deemed a medical expense in accordance with the HRA account). Many popular commercial diets on the market often do not cover the weekly food expenses as they are deemed a medical expense. The entire Solstice Health weight loss program including; start-up fees, vitamins, weekly weigh-ins, telemedicine services throughout program, personal digital tools, and all food throughout the duration of the program is considered an eligible medical expense covered through an HSA, FSA and most HRA accounts.

Q.Will Solstice Health submit my HSA, FSA and/or HRA paperwork for me?

A. No. Solstice Health will not submit your paperwork and will not know that you have requested reimbursement under any plan unless you choose to share that information. We are happy to assist you through the submission process.

Whether you are looking to utilize your FSA, HSA, HRA account to lose weight or looking to lose weight without, we can help you achieve your weight loss goals. We would love to help you improve your health today! Contact us today to find out more information on our medical weight loss program.

Karen’s Weight Loss Journey

Weight Loss Journey

Meet Karen. Karen started her weight loss journey 5 months ago. Her weight wake up call came after a doctor told her “she was getting use to retirement” due to her cholesterol and blood sugar levels increasing. Karen had a family history with diabetes and she knew she did not want to go down that path with her health. In addition, as a grandmother she wanted to stay active with her grandchildren.

Karen’s original goal was to lose 20 pounds but she exceeded her weight loss goal and lost 38 pounds and an amazing 13% of body fat! Her weight loss numbers are life changing and saving.

Overall, Karen felt the program was easy once you truly commit. She mentioned once you choose vegetables over “junk food” consistently, your cravings begin to subside. Some hurdles Karen overcame on the program were giving up chocolate and a glass wine in the evenings. She does plan to treat herself to some wine and chocolate occasionally.

In addition to her newfound energy, Karen no longer craves certain “junk food” that she once craved. Karen looks forward to enjoying her healthy lifestyle and walking more.

You can achieve weight loss success like Karen did! It is never too late to improve your health! If you are interested in achieving weight loss success, contact Solstice Health today for a Free weight loss consultation. Check out our FAQ about the Solstice Health Weight Loss Program. Start your weight loss journey today.

At Solstice Health, we offer a comprehensive medical weight loss program that teaches participants how to achieve healthy, realistic goals. The Solstice Weight Loss Program focuses on eating and exercising properly to achieve lifelong, whole-body results. Patients who follow our program as prescribed have a 100% success rate and find a dramatic reduction in the incidence and severity of weight-related health conditions.

6 Simple Steps To Lose Weight Fast

Simple Steps to Weight Loss

If your goal is to lose weight fast and keep it off, forget the gimmick weight loss pills and marathon workouts. Research shows  taking simple steps everyday leads to long lasting weight loss results.

According to Lesley Lutes, PhD, an assistant professor in the department of psychology at East Carolina University, “When you focus on just a couple of small changes at a time, you begin to ingrain some healthy habits that last for a lifetime, rather than trying an all-or-nothing approach that more often than not fails because it’s too hard to follow.”

Here are 6 simple steps (with proven results) to help you move more, eat less, and look and feel better than ever. Add just one or two a week to your regular routine and you can lose nearly 3 inches off your waistline and be about 10 pounds lighter in a few months. Even better: Once these healthy habits become second nature, they’ll benefit you for a lifetime.

1. Pick up a pen

Mindlessly munching on a bag of chips could result in easily polishing off the whole thing; write down how much you’ve eaten and you’re more likely to practice portion control and lose weight fast. Keeping a food log helps control extra calories in two ways: the combination of plain old reality check (I just ate 30 minutes ago!) and awareness that what you’re putting in your mouth will soon be recorded for posterity. In a recent study, people who kept a food journal lost twice as much weight as those who didn’t. When they combined it with a moderate diet and exercise plan, they lost an average of 13 pounds in 6 months. Journaling also gives you insight on your eating habits, says Dr. Lutes. Do you skip meals? Eat the same during the week as on the weekend? Binge when you’re feeling stressed? “Knowing your routine helps you figure out what changes are right for you,” she adds.

2. Skip through commercials

Get moving during your favorite TV shows. Skip, dance, go up and down some stairs, run in place—anything that gets your heart rate up so you feel somewhat breathless, says Geralyn Coopersmith, senior national manager at Equinox Fitness. Do it for each 2-minute break (forget the TiVo) during a typical 2-hour TV night and you’ll burn an extra 270 calories a day—which can translate to a 28-pound weight loss in a year.

3. Sign up for e-newsletters

One study from Kaiser Permanente found that people who received weekly e-mails about diet and fitness for 16 weeks substantially increased their levels of physical activity and intake of healthy foods like fruits and vegetables while cutting back on trans and saturated fats. Sign up for Solstice Health’s FREE weekly weight loss newsletter.

4. Walk 5 minutes more

In Dr. Lutes’s pilot study, increasing daily activity levels by just a few minutes at a time helped participants lose weight faster. Eventually, your goal should be to do at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day (burning off about 120 extra calories daily, or 12½ pounds a year), but it doesn’t have to be all at once.

5. Brown-bag it more

You’ll save thousands of calories (not to mention hundreds of dollars) over the course of a year. Consider this: A premade chicken Caesar wrap from a chain restaurant has 610 calories, more than 40% of which come from fat, as well as 1,440 mg of sodium (more than half the recommended daily amount). Make your own with presliced deli chicken breast on whole wheat bread with light mayo and romaine lettuce for about 230 calories. You’ll cut almost 400 calories and about 520 mg of sodium, which leaves room for a side salad and could still add up to a 28-pound weight loss after a year. “When you make and eat your own food, you not only control the quality and portion sizes but also reduce the amount of sugar, salt, and fat that you’re consuming, which can be significantly higher in restaurant fare,” says Ashley Koff, RD, a nutrition consultant based in Los Angeles.

6. Get technical support

You know exercising with a friend makes you more accountable (nobody wants to leave a pal stranded on a street corner at 6 AM). But your workouts don’t always have to be done face to face. One study found women who had some form of social support, either through in person counseling or an on-line chat group, lost more than 15 pounds over a 9-month period, dropping about 300 calories from their daily diet and walking about a mile more each day than from their starting point.

If you are looking to lose weight fast and keep it off for life, Solstice Health can help. Whether you are looking to join our weight loss program or looking to to work with our Registered Dietitians on improving your diet, Solstice Health can help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Source: Prevention


Sue’s Weight Loss Success

Weight Loss Success

Meet Sue. She was looking to finally achieve weight loss success once and for all. Sue started the Solstice Health weight loss program to lose some weight before an upcoming vacation. Her goal was to lose 20lbs in 2 months, but she ended up exceeding her goal and losing 25lbs in 2 months. She was ecstatic, and left for her vacation. While on vacation she experienced a tremendous difference in her activity level, she enjoyed hiking and having much more stamina. Her newfound energy allowed her to experience a vacation like she never had before.

Upon returning from her travels, Sue returned to Solstice Health to continue the weight loss program. To date, Sue has lost 44lbs and has decreased her body fat percentage by 15.3%, life saving numbers! Through her weight loss success, she no longer needs to be on her blood pressure or cholesterol medication. In addition, she has experienced relief from joint pain she experienced when she was at her previous weight. Her weight loss success not only improved her health, life, stamina, but also saved her from needing expensive prescriptions and additional doctor’s appointments.

Throughout Sue’s journey she was able to stick to the weight loss program most of the time, and when she did “slip up” she had her wellness coach at her weekly weigh-in to help her get back on track. With help from her weight loss coach, Sue was able to customize the program to fit into her busy schedule and lifestyle.

You can achieve weight loss success like Sue did! It is never too late to improve your health! If you are interested in achieving weight loss success, contact Solstice Health today for a Free weight loss consultation. Check out our FAQ about the Solstice Health Weight Loss Program. Take control of your health today.

At Solstice Health, we offer a comprehensive medical weight loss program that teaches participants how to achieve healthy, realistic goals. The Solstice Weight Loss Program focuses on eating and exercising properly to achieve lifelong, whole-body results. Patients who follow our program as prescribed have a 100% success rate and find a dramatic reduction in the incidence and severity of weight-related health conditions.

Summer Weight Loss Simplified

Summer weight loss

Summer is around the corner. The summer season can put an extra hop in your step thinking about summer vacations, celebrations, and umbrella-clad drinks. Despite kicking back and overindulging in summer treats, summer can be the ideal time you will achieve all your weight loss goals.

Warm Weather Can Suppress Your Appetite


Many people consider ice cream the “official” summer food. However, with the warm temperatures people are less inclined to over indulge. You can confirm this theory by stepping into virtually any restaurant in the summer months and feeling the rush of cool air that will meet you at the door. Restaurants want to keep you comfortable and hungry. A report issued by the Institute of Medicine highlights how heat lowers our appetites. Try to eat outdoors in the warmer temperatures or bring a sweater or jacket along when dining out.

Nice Weather Encourages You To Be Active


Americans tend to be more active in the spring and summer months leading to an increase in weight loss. In 2012 Americans set a record for exercise, according to a Gallup Poll. But why did exercise levels increase in 2012 in the US? 2012 was one of the hottest and longest-lasting early summer heat waves in U.S. history. Enjoy the summer temperatures by walking, going for a bike ride, or swimming for at least 30 minutes a day.

You May Be Less Prone To Bad-Mood Binges


Colder temperatures often accompany dark and dreary days, and for some people this leads to an increase in depression. Depression and obesity can trigger and influence each other. Similar to the chicken and egg theory, science is not certain whether depression triggers obesity or vice versa. In a University of Pittsburgh study of people with winter seasonal affective disorder, 27 percent reported binge eating during the most depressing months of the year. And of these overeaters, 94 percent said they isolate themselves during the winter and 90 percent said they crave carbs more than normal when it’s cold outside

In addition to these summer weight loss benefits, incorporating a high-protein low-carbohydrate diet can help to shed some extra weight.

Do you have any health tips or ideas that help you reach your summer weight loss goals? We would love to hear from you.

Save Your Own Life

Save your own life

When Pam came to us, she was on the verge of a health disaster. Pam needed a plan–so we put one into place and Pam didn’t let us down, she executed! We are so proud of Pam and where her journey with Solstice Health has brought her. This is Pam’s story, in her own words.

“A huge shoutout to Dr. Tim Murray and my coach, Christina, at Solstice Health for helping me reach my goal last week! Nine months, 90 pounds, 54.5 inches and (most importantly) a rebuilt immune system! I know that there are lots of stories going around about how and why I lost weight, so, here it is the whole story if you care to read on.”

“I have had huge tonsils for as long as I can remember. Twenty years ago they wanted to take them out and I refused. As a Speech Pathologist, I knew how dangerous the surgery is for adults. In the last few years, the lymph nodes in my throat were enlarged and becoming very painful. My swallow function was decreasing and I was told that my immune system, as measured by my white blood cell count, was dropping rapidly. Coupled with my weight, high cholesterol and impending metabolic disorder, I hit a health crisis last summer. The tonsils had to come out as the suspected site of the problem.”

“As you may know, I loved to eat and drink whatever and whenever I wanted and believed the myth that postmenopausal women over 50 can’t lose weight. I always put work and play before taking care of my health. I knew I needed to do something to prepare for the long overdue surgery. I heard about Dr. Murray, his weight loss program, and his ability to get people off medications. While he concurred that I needed my tonsils out, he was concerned about my immune system and my inability to fight whatever this turned about to be in my throat. I started doing vitamin infusions called “Meyer’s Cocktails.” Within a month, my lymph nodes started to decrease in size. I lost the first 50 pounds by my surgery in December. That improvement in my BMI changed my status from a potential three-night hospital stay to leaving the hospital the same day as my surgery.”

“Although my recovery was great compared to other adults, I thought it was horrific: 10 days of living only on ice chips and oxy. I struggled with dehydration for months. It turned out that I had a bacterial infection in my tonsils that may have been there since I had mono in college. My immune system had been struggling to fight it all these years and was losing.”

“The weight loss program continued to fit my crazy lifestyle well and their laughable goal for me to lose 90 pounds in 9 months and to be less than 25% body fat was within reach so I continued. I hit all three of those goals. I can finally report that my white blood cell count is approaching normal again and all my other blood work is within the normal range. I am the healthiest I have ever been!”

“So, no, I am not dying…quite to the contrary! If you have any interest in learning more about Dr. Murray, Ideal Protein, his stem cell therapy (he is the only licensed physician in WI for this), or his Direct Primary Care and other services, check out his website. If you end up visiting him for a consultation, tell him you know me…he’ll just laugh; it’s ok, I laughed at him nine months ago.”

At Solstice Health, we offer a comprehensive weight loss protocol that teaches participants how to achieve healthy, realistic goals. Called the Solstice Weight Loss Protocol, our plan focuses on eating and exercising properly to achieve lifelong, whole-body results. Patients who follow our protocol as prescribed have a 100% success rate and find a dramatic reduction in the incidence and severity of weight-related health conditions.

Fighting Fatigue

Fatigue, an extreme feeling of lethargy that typically results from illness, mental exertion or physical exertion, can significantly impact quality of life. Not only can it play a part in diminished mental health and happiness, it can also hinder sufferers from making the nutritional, behavioral and physical changes that might help relieve their symptoms.

What Causes Fatigue?

Because fatigue may be caused by many factors, it is often difficult to pinpoint one specific cause. In general, however, most cases of fatigue are attributable to three key areas: lifestyle, medical issues, and psychological issues.

  • Lifestyle factors that may contribute to fatigue include alcohol and substance abuse, excessive physical activity or inactivity, poor nutrition and unhealthy eating habits, use of certain medications, and inadequate sleep.
  • Psychological issues that may contribute to fatigue include stress, anxiety, depression and grief.
  • Many medical issues may contribute to feelings of fatigue, including anemia, chronic fatigue syndrome, heart disease, obesity, sleep apnea, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and more.

Fatigue may be caused by one or several of these factors, which can make fighting it difficult.

What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), CFS is characterized by long-term, chronic fatigue that is not improved by rest, that can get worse after physical or mental exertion, and which is accompanied by other symptoms, such as muscle pain, headaches, and post-exertion malaise.

Despite extensive research, it is not yet known what causes CFS, although there do appear to be certain types of infections that may trigger it. These include Epstein-Barr virus infection, rubella, enterovirus infection, human retrovirus infection, and other infectious disorders. There is also some evidence that allergic diseases and immune deficiencies may have a role in developing CFS.

Can Weight Loss Combat Fatigue?

Although those suffering from fatigue may feel too tired to exercise, regular exercise at safe, sustainable levels can help combat the many underlying issues that cause fatigue, such as obesity, stress and anxiety, poor sleep, and related medical issues.

Studies have shown regular exercise to be effective for not just those suffering from standard fatigue, but for those suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome as well. It is important, however, that those not used to regular exercise start with a small exercise regime, gradually increasing the length and intensity of their workouts to a safe level. For many, shedding weight is not nearly as difficult as maintaining a healthy weight over the long term, which is why making sustainable lifestyle changes is so important.

Other Ways to Fight Fatigue

In addition to regular exercise (and the health benefits that accompany it), there are other steps fatigue sufferers can take to restore energy levels. These include:

  • Staying hydrated
  • Cutting out caffeine and alcohol
  • Eating well and maintaining adequate nutrient levels
  • Limiting unnecessary medications (such as tranquilizers and cold medications)
  • Maintaining good sleep habits

At Solstice Health, we are committed to harnessing the body’s natural ability to heal itself. To learn more about our nutritional and alternative medical treatments, including medical weight loss, call or visit our office today.

11,000 Pounds Lost and Counting

As we move into another new year offering medical weight loss programs founded on the Ideal Protein system, we’re proud of the huge achievements our participants have made. Not only have those participants who stuck with the Solstice Weight Loss Protocol lost an incredible amount of weight, they’re enjoying the benefits of having a sustainable, healthy lifestyle:  better body weight, better energy levels, and better health.

We congratulate all of our participants on the steps they’ve taken to take control of their health and improve their lives. And, we encourage anyone who is struggling with their weight or coping with the most common symptoms of metabolic syndrome (such as obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure) to learn about our program. It works, and we have the pounds to prove it!

Why Our Weight Loss Program Works

Unlike high protein diets that may work in the short term but rarely provide long-term benefits, our medically supervised weight loss program is a four-phase plan designed to meet the health and weight goals of each of our participants by providing the one-on-one coaching and nutritional education they need to achieve their goals and maintain healthy body weight.

Participants in our program can expect:

  • Quick weight loss that doesn’t sacrifice muscle mass
  • Nutritional education to understand how the body uses foods for energy and stores fat
  • A pancreatic “reset” that results in improved metabolic functioning
  • Diminished health problems related to blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure issues
  • Increased energy levels with fewer cravings

Because our protocol is based on sound science, participants who follow it as prescribed have a 100% success rate. It is, admittedly, incredible. More importantly, our protocol teaches participants how to maintain a healthy lifestyle for life. Our participants learn what refined sugar products and processed do to the body, why following an Ideal Protein diet based on organic, natural foods helps correct the many metabolic problems from which so many Americans suffer, and what lifestyle changes are needed to meet their goals.

At Solstice Health, we are committed to providing programs that provide lifelong benefits. To learn more about our medical weight loss programs, or direct primary care, call or visit our office today.

Getting Over a Weight Loss Slump

Staying motivated while trying to lose weight can be challenging, especially when you’re in the middle of a weight loss slump. The unfortunate reality is that the vast majority of people trying to lose weight encounter a plateau at some point. And it’s precisely then that many people fall off the weight loss wagon.

If and when you meet your slump, consider these three factors:

How Are You Eating?

Most dieters remember to restrict their caloric intake and eat “clean” when they start their weight loss programs, but then, as time moves on, unhealthy foods and excess calories begin creeping back into their diets. If you started off strong but now find yourself eating lots of “treats” or have stopped eating portion controlled meals of healthy foods, you could simply be consuming too many calories again to stay in weight loss mode.

If you started off with a solid weight loss plan that included a nutritionally adequate and balanced diet, the key is to stick to it and not let your old eating habits creep back in.

How Are Your Workouts?

Some dieters forget that as they lose weight, they’re likely to lose some muscle too, which slows their metabolism a bit. As you lose weight, it’s important to maintain and occasionally increase your level of physical activity to keep your metabolism going strong, otherwise you’ll feel like you’re doing all the work but not seeing much for your efforts.

The three easiest ways that you can increase your physical activity are to increase the amount of time of your workouts, increase the intensity of your workouts, and start integrating physical activity throughout the sedentary parts of your day.

How Are You Sleeping?

Studies have shown that people deprived of an adequate night’s sleep are more likely to eat unhealthy, high-carb foods, eat bigger portions, and don’t feel like they have the energy they need to exercise. If you’re not getting enough sleep, you could be sabotaging your weight loss efforts, so make sure you’re getting the 7 – 9 hours of sleep per night that’s recommended.

At Solstice Health, we offer a comprehensive Milwaukee medical weight loss protocol that teaches participants how to lifelong weight loss. Patients who follow our protocol as prescribed have a 100% success rate and find a dramatic reduction in the incidence and severity of weight-related health conditions.