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Direct Primary Care

Pay a flat, affordable membership fee to gain personalized medical care and unlimited access to your doctor.

Affordable Surgeries

Our state-of-the-art surgical center, staffed by top surgeons and anesthesiologists, delivers advanced surgeries at a fraction of the cost.

Direct Access Labs

Get labs without a doctor’s order. Solstice Health partners with a national laboratory for affordable and convenient lab testing services.

Medical Weight Loss

Obesity is the leading health epidemic in the U.S. Our elite medical weight loss program produces rapid and lifelong results.

IV Nutritional Therapy

IV Nutritional Therapy, or direct infusion therapy, strengthens the immune system, boosts energy levels, improves chronic conditions and well-being.

Regenerative Cell Therapy

Our PRP injections for orthopedic conditions and injuries help patients avoid aggressive, high-risk surgical interventions and lengthy recovery times.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a medical treatment that involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber to promote healing and fight infections.

It’s Your Money.
It’s Your Health Care.

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