10 Conditions That Can Be Treated with Regenerative Medicine

Regenerative medicine involves using your own body’s tissue to help heal disease and injury. Solstice Health is the first center in Wisconsin and one of the few elite centers in the Midwest to offer adult mesenchymal stem cell injections for various orthopedic conditions and injuries. Before we list some conditions that can be treated by regenerative medicine, it may be helpful to know a little bit more about each treatment we offer.

What Is Platelet-Rich Plasma?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), or platelet concentrates, have been studied extensively since the 1990s. While similar products previously used in medicine (fibrin glue) are very expensive, PRP provides a cost-effective alternative. Plasma concentrates are a way to help the body finish the healing process and strengthen the weakened tissue. PRP is produced from a person’s own blood. It is a concentration of one type of cell, known as platelets, which circulate through the blood and are critical for blood clotting and release growth factors and mediators to aid in healing. Platelet-rich plasma can then be collected and delivered to an injured area of bone or soft tissue, such as a tendon or ligament. It is used for tendinopathies (tendon problems), in addition to problems with ligaments, muscles, meniscus, cartilage, bone, wound and intervertebral discs.

What Is Stem Cell Therapy?

Stem cell therapy focuses on delivering stem cells to parts of the body that are in need. Stem cells can be harvested from a patient’s own body from Adipose (fat) tissue or bone marrow. The tissue is processed into a stem cell concentrate and injected at the focal point of treatment in the patient’s body. Once the stem cell concentrate has entered the treatment site, the regeneration process begins. Stem cell therapy is completely safe as we are using what your body naturally produces, concentrating the desired critical components and transplanting them into the affected area for effective tissue regeneration and healing. There is no risk of rejection and very minimal overall procedural risk.

10 conditions that can be treated with regenerative medicine.

  1. COPD
  2. Type 1 Diabetes
  3. Erectile Dysfunction
  4. Multiple Sclerosis
  5. Osteoarthritis
  6. Parkinson’s Disease
  7. Rheumatoid Arthritis
  8. Spinal Cord Injuries
  9. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
  10. Sports Injuries

Solstice Health is here to provide you with the latest adult autologous stem cell treatments. If you feel you may benefit from regenerative medicine, call us today to schedule an appointment. 262-347-3253

Common Conditions Associated with Food Sensitivities

Food sensitivities and allergies are on the rise in America. The health impact of food sensitivities or allergies can range from immediate hypersensitivity, such as hives and shortness of breath, to delayed inflammatory response, which can be seen as IBS, digestion pains, bowel irregularity, migraines, fatigue, mood disorders, ADHD, and other inflammatory conditions.

Food allergies, celiac disease and food sensitivities all cause immune-mediate inflammatory reactions. However, celiac disease affects <1% of the population, food allergies affects 4-6% of the population and food sensitivities affect 30-40% of the population. Food sensitivities are definitely the largest issue but also the most complex because they are not specific to immunocytes and can trigger the release of 100+ mediators.

At Solstice Health, we focus on identifying your food irritant through a Mediator Release Test (MRT) food sensitivity panel and reviewing a food diary with symptoms to determine foods that trigger episodes. Based on the laboratory blood work results, we will customize a meal plan to eliminate trigger foods and methodically add them back in while monitoring for symptoms.

What Is a Mediator Release Test?

MRT (Mediator Release Test) is the blood test component that measures the inflammatory reaction to 30 food chemicals and 120 foods. The LEAP (Lifestyle, Eating, And Performance) protocol is the process of using these results to treat unwanted symptoms. LEAP is a personalized elimination diet. Your CLT (Certified LEAP Therapist) will guide you through your results in order to greatly reduce or eliminate the unpleasant symptoms you may be suffering with.

Common Conditions Associated with Food Sensitivities

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Heartburn
  • Autism and ADHD
  • Chronic Diarrhea
  • Headaches and Migraines
  • Fatigue
  • Chronic Cramping
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Joint Pain

At Solstice Health, our personalized food sensitivities and allergy treatment plan include the following.

  • Personalized consultation
  • Comprehensive medical assessment with medical team
  • Education on the mechanisms of food allergies vs. food sensitivities
  • Foods that cause increase risk for reactions
  • Lifestyle changes to support wellness outcomes
  • Customized meal plan to improve health and prevent the root cause of allergies and sensitivities
  • Nutritional supplement analysis and recommendations to help balance the system and medications.

Call Solstice Health today to learn more! We have three convenient locations in Wisconsin: Oconomowoc, WI (262)-533-0322, New Berlin, WI (262)-505-6260, and Mequon, WI (262)-533-0322.

Exercise Tips for Optimal Joint Health

Exercise is important for all of us. Whether you are in perfect shape or have painful joints, it is important to tailor your workout routine to your body’s needs. Exercise is meant to nurture your body, not hurt your body. That said, if you have painful joints, don’t let this stop you from giving your body the workout it needs. In fact, regular exercise can help ease your pain. Research shows that regular exercise helps reduce inflammation and even increase pain tolerance. Here are some helpful exercise tips for optimal joint health.

Always Warm Up

Jumping on a machine immediately after entering the gym can be detrimental to your joints. You must first warm up your body to loosen your muscles and tendons. Working out when these are still tight is what can lead to joint pain. Your warm-up can be as simple as light movement for 5 minutes to get your blood flowing. Perhaps try an easy walk.

Low-Impact Cardio

The more you move, the less stiff your joints will be. If you are looking to get your heart rate elevated but want a low-impact exercise option, try swimming, bicycling, rowing, exercising on an elliptical or even walking. These are the best options to protect your joints.

In addition to these low-impact exercises, you might want to try practices like yoga and Pilates. These help strengthen your ab and back muscles, which ultimately help maintain balance and lessen your likelihood of injury by falling.

Strengthen Your Muscles with Weights

Stronger muscles help to lessen strain on your joints. Add in some weight training to your exercise routine. Weight machines, free weights and resistance bands are all helpful in getting stronger and building muscle mass. You should take things slowly at the start. Always listen to your body. Try to incorporate weight training 2-3 times per week and alternate between upper body and lower body workouts.

Change Things Up

Overuse injuries are another culprit of joint pain. To avoid this, try not to do the exact same routine every day. Mix up your workouts. Perhaps you could try swimming one day and biking the next.


It is important to keep your muscles and tendons flexible. After your workout, make sure to stretch all of the muscles you used that day. You’ll want to try and hold each stretch for 20 to 30 seconds.

It is important to find a daily exercise routine that works for your schedule. It will help improve strength and stamina. Added benefits include releasing feel-good endorphins and clearing bad toxins from your body.

Do you suffer from joint pain? We may have a solution for you. Call Solstice Health today to learn more! We have three convenient locations in Wisconsin: Oconomowoc, WI (262)-533-0322, New Berlin, WI (262)-505-6260, and Mequon, WI (262)-533-0322.

The Key to Successful Weight Loss Is…

Studies show 80% of dieters are do-it-yourselfers who bounce from fad diet to fad diet, enjoying short-term success for a lifelong problem. Yes, short-term weight loss is a victory, albeit a minor one, but your ultimate triumph comes from keeping the weight off after dieting. To do this, you must go beyond weight loss and gain an understanding of how and why you gain weight in order to achieve and then maintain a balanced weight.  This is the key to successful weight loss.

Solstice Health Weight Loss Method

Our focus on making people well has allowed us to become the leading medical weight loss program in Wisconsin. We are committed to improving the health and well-being of all our clients. Our medical weight loss program uses Ideal Protein foods, and is designed to produce rapid weight loss with long-lasting results.

Our medically developed natural weight loss protocol gives dieters what they really want: a structured plan that empowers them with the knowledge to put an end to constant dieting. With a stable weight maintenance plan built right in, our dieters learn to eat smarter to sustain lifestyle changes that will assist them in achieving and maintaining better well-being.

With our focus on correcting pancreatic dysfunction and high insulin levels, following our program as prescribed results in a 100% success rate and improved or most often cured diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. This gives our patients a new lease on life. Burning fat while supporting and maintaining muscle mass is vitally important for all levels of performance, including cardiac function, and it is an equally important focus of our program. Learn as you go when, why, and in what combination to eat carbohydrates (sugars), fat, and protein. Utilize all of this knowledge and maintain your results for life.

How This Method Works

There are four phases in the Solstice Weight Loss Protocol. During all four phases, you will receive one-on-one coaching, teaching you how your body packs on pounds and what you should be eating to maintain a stable weight.

Phase One is the primary weight loss phase. You will lose 100% of your weight loss goal during this phase. In Phase Two, the amount of Ideal Protein products you consume will drop from 3 to 2, reducing the cost as you make progress. You will only be on Phase Two for a maximum of 2 weeks. Phase Three will focus on weight stabilization and gradually reintroduce carbohydrates and healthy fats into your diet (in the morning only). Once your weight is stabilized, you will move to the fourth and final phase, which is freedom, where you will apply the smarter eating education you have received from your personal weight loss coach that will assist you in maintaining a stable weight after the program.

Why 4 phases? Why not stop after weight loss? Anyone can lose weight…learning how you can maintain a stable weight should be your ultimate goal. To achieve your weight loss goals and maintain the results, a weight loss program must empower dieters with the knowledge to develop balanced organic eating habits and smarter, sustainable lifestyle choices. This is the Solstice Health difference.

Benefits of This Method

Solstice Health members enjoy a weight-loss program specifically tailored to their individual needs. Women lose on average 2-4 pounds per week while men lose on average 4-7 pounds per week, simply based on higher muscle mass. With our weight loss method, not only can you lose weight, but once you lose your excess pounds, studies show you will experience improved health benefits including a significant reduction in your overall risk of cancer.

Once your body is ready to take the next step to better well-being, it’s up to you to maintain that focus…but you won’t be alone. As a Solstice Health member, your weight loss is carefully supervised by your personal weight loss coach. This one-on-one guidance empowers you with the knowledge and essential nutritional education you need to make smarter lifestyle changes that will help you maintain a balanced weight.

Find out how Solstice Health can help you lose weight while teaching you smarter lifestyle strategies to ensure you maintain a stable weight. Contact us today and begin your journey to optimal health! 262-239-7353

Organic Foods vs. GMO Foods vs. Non-GMO Foods

One of the biggest hot topics of our time is the question of whether organic food is inherently better or healthier than genetically modified food (GMO). And what about Non-GMO? With more people seeking healthier lifestyles, having a solid diet is one of the key ingredients of maintaining such a lifestyle. However, few people are aware of what actually constitutes as organic and genetically modified food, and whether or not Non-GMO is organic.

At Solstice Health, we want to ensure that you and your family are knowledgeable about how to live healthy and happy lives. So, let’s go over some basic questions: What is organic food and does it provide any specific benefits for you and your family? Is genetically modified food something to be concerned about?

What Does “Organic” Mean?

For starters, the term “organic” simply refers to the method in which agricultural products are grown and processed. Strict Organic standards of food production are designed in a way that eliminates the use of chemicals and pesticides used in their ingredients and production. For example, animals raised for the purpose of food or dairy production would not be provided any growth hormones or antibiotics and are only fed with organic products. Another example would be how crops are grown. Organically grown crops are not treated with sludge-based fertilizer or synthetic pesticides. Organic crops are also not genetically engineered or provided artificial preservatives or ionizing radiation. Before labeling any product as “organic”, the farms and the companies that process or handle organic food go through a rigorous and continuously monitored certification process to assure that all standards are met.

Due to the lack of artificial and synthetic ingredients, it is important to note the distinct health benefits of consuming organic whole foods which is supported by research. Many also report being able to fully taste and enjoy the food more. Organic food is brought about the old-fashioned way and aims to be as fresh, natural, and healthy as possible. On the other hand, genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, differ greatly than their organic counterparts.

What Does GMO Mean?

GMOs are a result of a laboratory process in which genes are extracted from bacteria, viruses, insects, plants, animals and even humans, and are artificially combined with the genes of an unrelated plant or animal. This process is called “genetic engineering” or “genetic modification.” The resulting transgenic organisms can be found in a majority of processed foods in North America. Although there have been strides to improve nutritional benefits from genetic engineering, there has been no concrete evidence for any health benefits. Rather, GMOs have been connected to allergic reactions as well as sick, sterile and dead livestock. Lab animal tests have also shown that GMOs damage organs and overall health. Since the introduction of GMOs into the U.S. market in the 1990s, there is a direct correlation between the exponential rise of the use of glyphosate (Roundup) in production, and many human diseases and allergies.

If anything, GMO foods are only an economic benefit. They are easier to mass produce and more cost-efficient. For instance, genetically modified plants have been able to sustain herbicide tolerance and the ability to produce an inherent pesticide. This sounds like a money-saver for companies and a time-saver for farmers, but this ultimately means that the plant is toxic. This economic cost-savings should be measured against the extreme cost of resultant disease which has contributed to healthcare approaching 20% of our GDP. The FDA also does not require labeling of GMOs in food ingredient lists, so you need to research to know where your food is coming from.

What Does Non-GMO Mean?

While there certainly may be some benefit to Non-GMO food, it is important to be aware that all organic food by definition is Non-GMO, but that does not mean that all Non-GMO food is organic. The Non-GMO Project is a nonprofit that verifies the contents of GMO-free food which is made up of 0.9 percent or fewer genetically modified ingredients. The FDA, however, has not set any standards to regulate the use of this claim on any label, and therefore essentially anyone can claim their product is Non-GMO. Furthermore, there are no special restrictions which prohibit toxic pesticides from being used on Non-GMO crops. This makes it very difficult for consumers to research and understand where and how these products are sourced.

Unfortunately, mainstream media and large companies have a significant influence on how society views food production. They don’t tend to prioritize their audience’s health, so it is up to you to do your research. Based on the above information, it is clear that USDA Organic whole food is the healthiest and cleanest option for a disease prevention lifestyle. We’ve provided a quick snippet of what Organic, GMO, and Non-GMO foods are, but there is much more to learn. Research for yourself, for your family, and especially for your children.

For a list of resources and how to live a naturally healthier lifestyle, please contact us at 262-239-7353.

What is IV Therapy?

IV Therapy

Here at Solstice Health, we offer IV Nutritional Therapy as part of our commitment to wellness. IV Nutritional Therapy is a type of direct infusion therapy that strengthens the immune system, improves energy levels and sense of well-being. With IV Nutritional Therapy, 100% of nutrients are available and absorbed immediately. This compares with a 50% absorption rate of traditional oral vitamins and an 8-hour lag time.

What symptoms does IV Nutritional Therapy treat?

IV Nutritional Therapy has been used to treat general fatigue, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Fibromyalgia, acute asthma attacks as well as chronic asthma, upper respiratory and viral infections, acute and chronic sinusitis, allergies, migraines, muscle spasms, menstrual cramps, and so much more including use to support recovery from high performance athletics. Even many healthy patients choose to receive occasional infusions as it enhances their overall well-being. Those with underlying illnesses may require a series of treatments to correct the deficits. As they get progressively better, some may no longer require therapy. Others may need regular infusions to better control and counteract their medical conditions if they are too advanced to be reversible. IV Nutritional Therapy is effective and beneficial for everyone.

What are some of the benefits of IV Nutritional Therapy?

  • Boosts the immune system.Our IV (intravenous) program uses a concentrated blend of key vitamins and minerals that boost the body’s immune system in a way that orally administered vitamins and intramuscular vitamin injections simply cannot match. In fact, the ultra-high blood concentrations of IV vitamin C that we can provide can be just as effective as prescription medications for treating influenza and other viruses. Our unique blend of various B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium, and calcium have a significant effect on a variety of conditions from asthma to angina and promote whole-body health.
  • Corrects cellular deficits.For some patients, certain disease states can reduce the ability of orally administered nutrients to penetrate cell walls, which in turn reduces their effectiveness. When nutrients are delivered via direct IV vitamin therapy, however, they are better able to penetrate cells, making them more effective in boosting the immune system, healing damaged tissue and reducing tissue and system inflammation.
  • Administered By Medical Professional. All our IV vitamin therapy treatments are administered by a Registered Nurse, Nurse Practitioner or Physician at Solstice Health.

What is the process of IV Nutritional Therapy?

We make this process fast and simple for you. After filling out a short evaluation, you proceed to our exclusive and comfortable IV Therapy room where you can put your feet up, read a book, or simply enjoy the view. Our providers utilize local anesthesia prior to placing your IV, making the painful part when we take the tape off. Once your IV is in place, the infusion takes between 10-15 minutes and during that time the only thing you need to do is RELAX. When completed, we will remove your IV and place a band-aid and that’s it! Some patients note an immediate energetic response and others feel the effects within the first 24 hours. Either way, your immune system is strengthened and the benefits are yours!

To learn more about our IV Vitamin Therapy programs, call us at 262.354.3100 or visit our office locations today in Oconomowoc and New Berlin.


Stem Cell Therapy: Sorting Out The Myths From The Truths

With stem cell therapy on the rise and new information surfacing regularly, it can sometimes be hard to tell the difference between truth and myth.  Here at Solstice Health, we strive to educate and support our patients and community by providing the highest quality of care and information.  Let us help define some myths and truths of stem cell therapy.  Below you’ll find helpful clarification on some general stem cell therapy topics as well as procedure specific information.

Our body has the power to heal itself.

Truth: This is one of the foundations of regenerative medicine. Stem cells have the ability to divide and develop into many different cell types in the body. Stem cell therapy uses a patient’s own stem cells to help repair damaged tissues and repair injuries

Stem Cell Therapy is legal.

Truth: Yes, stem cell therapy is legal. The FDA only approves medical devices and drugs and does not regulate treatments provided by licensed physicians. Therefore, while the FDA may not be able to approve stem cell therapy, this does not make these practices illegal. All cellular therapies offered in our clinics are administered according to the most current published FDA guidelines.

No risk of rejection or communicable disease transmission.

Truth: Due to using biologics extracted from the patient, there is no risk of rejection. As the cells originate within your own body, there is no risk of spreading disease from or to another person.

Each case is treated with the same Stem Cell Therapy.  

Myth: There are different types of stem cell therapies. Each case should be treated as a standalone case.  The patient’s medical history and maturity of the disease should be considered.  As these factors vary amongst patients, the mode of implantation of stem cells should be specific to each case.

Recovery time is minimal.

Truth: One of the most time-consuming factors of any injury is not always the treatment itself, but actually the recovery time. With stem cell therapy, recovery time is minimal.  It is non-surgical and minimally invasive.

Effects aren’t felt until weeks after the procedure. 

Myth: Everyone is different and the healing process may take several months before results are seen. However, many patients report that they begin to experience results within a week with fuller effects felt within 4-8 weeks.

Does not require general anesthesia.

Truth: Do you get anxious at the thought of being put under? Stem cell therapy may be just what you need as it does not require the use of general anesthesia.  Instead, a local anesthetic is used and there is minimal discomfort.

Contact us today to find out if you qualify for this groundbreaking therapy. We have three convenient locations in Wisconsin: Oconomowoc, WI (262)-533-0322, New Berlin, WI (262)-505-6260, and Mequon, WI (262)-533-0322.



Why Choose Direct Primary Care?

Reflect on your most recent doctor appointment. Perhaps you thought you might have pneumonia. Were you able to have a same day or next day appointment? Did your insurance allow you to see the doctor you wanted to see or pay for the recommended treatment plan? Did you feel rushed in your appointment? Did it feel impersonal? The average doctor sees over two thousand patients a year in the traditional system and as a result only spends 7 minutes with each patient. Health insurance providers are often too involved in your healthcare plan, making treatment for conditions like the pneumonia a much longer and convoluted process than necessary. It’s time to take your healthcare back with direct primary care (DPC).

Solstice Health is the first independent and completely insurance-free direct primary care clinic in Wisconsin. Direct primary care is sweeping the nation as the answer to continually rising costs for mediocre primary care that is getting harder to access and more impersonal. With all of this said, you may now be wondering, what exactly is direct primary care?

What is direct primary care?

The Direct Primary Care Coalition defines direct primary care (DPC) as …

“… an innovative alternative payment model for primary care being embraced by patients, physicians, employers, payers and policymakers across the United States. The defining element of DPC is an enduring and trusting relationship between a patient and his or her primary care provider… Direct primary care fosters this relationship by focusing on five key tenets: service, patient choice, elimination of fee-for-service, advocacy, and stewardship.“

Direct primary care includes unlimited access to your doctor, virtual visits, wholesale pricing on lab work, imaging, and medication help to provide the best, most affordable, and convenient care possible.

What are the benefits of direct primary care?

  • You are guaranteed to get the time and care you deserve with your direct primary care provider. With insurance and hospital group involvement eliminated, doctors are able to spend significantly more time with each patient, thus restoring the doctor-patient relationship.
  • Direct primary care doctors care for on average 600 patients per year. This is significantly lower than other traditional doctors. By accepting only 600 patients on average per year, same day and next day appointments are typically available at your request.
  • Unlimited visits, no copays, and no deductibles.
  • Direct primary care eliminates 40% of overhead by not accepting insurance, thus making it very affordable for everyone. Also, wholesale labs, imaging, and pharmaceuticals are another value add for members, allowing you to budget your care, your way. Steeply discounted (80-90%) rates are negotiated, and you get the benefits.
  • Direct primary care eliminates third party involvement in YOUR healthcare.
  • Direct primary care covers 90% or more of your overall healthcare needs. With better care, it decreases the down stream utilization of specialists, urgent care and emergency room visits. Direct primary care takes care of the acute urgent care issues, chronic disease management, preventive health and wellness, and even occupational health.
  • The direct primary care approach involves far fewer steps to treatment than a traditional insurance approach. Continuing with our earlier example of a possible pneumonia case, check here for an example comparison chart of a direct primary care treatment route and traditional insurance treatment route.

Direct primary care is a vital part of our mission here at Solstice Health. Our monthly membership plans are comprehensive and age based. For more information on plans, check here.

Contact us today to start your direct primary care journey. We have three convenient locations in Wisconsin: Oconomowoc, WI (262)-533-4528, New Berlin, WI (262)-505-6260, and Mequon, WI (262)-533-4528.


What Conditions Can Stem Cell Therapy Treat?

Stem cell therapy is a gentle, non-invasive treatment that provides pain relief for individuals suffering from a variety of conditions. It’s a form of regenerative medicine that not many are aware of, but has the potential to replace several conventional methods of pain relief therapy. Here are a few illnesses that respond well to stem cell therapy treatments.



Arthritis is inflammation of the joints and can be very painful. Conventional medicine used to treat this condition includes steroids and acetaminophen, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), like Aleve. As opposed to stem cell therapy, these medicines will help to decrease the pain, and reduce stiffness, but will not address the cause of the pain.



Tendonitis is the inflammation of a tendon, often caused by overuse, but can also originate from rheumatic disease or infection. Doctors typically prescribe steroid injections, physical therapy, or recommend surgery to treat the condition. Stem cell therapy aids the body in eliminating inflammation of the tendons by regenerating the cells.



Tearing or stretching of the ligaments is considered a sprain. This type of injury can result in extreme pain and significantly reduce mobility in the affected area. Minor sprains can be treated at home, but there are some cases where doctors will prescribe a splint or a walking boot. If it occurs more than once in the same area, surgery may be recommended to tighten the ligament. Stem cell therapy, in this case, would work to regenerate the tissue in the ligament.



Osteoarthritis is the degeneration of joint cartilage and the underlying bone. It causes pain and stiffness, particularly in the knee, hip, and joints of the thumb. Traditional treatments include medicines like steroids and narcotics to control the pain, as well as physical therapy. Stem cell therapy is a viable option for people with osteoarthritis, as it aids the body in repairing and restoring the degenerated cartilage.


Herniated Disc

A herniated disk refers to an injury to a disc between the separate bones that line up to make your spine. This type of injury primarily occurs in the lower back and is commonly known as a wear and tear condition. Most people experience pain in the legs or arms, numbness, tingling or muscle weakness. Stem cell therapy in this instance regenerates the disc cells.


These are just a few of the many conditions to which stem cell therapy can be applied. Unlike other conventional therapies for pain, stem cell treatments are noninvasive and gentler on the body. Most people prefer this medicine because it promotes natural healing and requires little downtime.


If you suffer from pain and would like more information about the benefits of regenerative treatments like stem cell therapy, Solstice Health is here to help. Our experienced doctors can help you choose an effective pain relief treatment that’s just right for your condition.


Contact us today to find out if you qualify for this groundbreaking therapy. We have three convenient locations in Wisconsin: Oconomowoc, WI (262)-354-3100, New Berlin, WI (262)-505-6260, and Mequon, WI (262)-354-3100

The 3 Worst Mental Habits that Sabotage Your Weight Loss Goals

Weight Loss goals


The way you think about yourself affects your ability to reach your weight loss goals.  Mental habits have a huge impact on your health and life! On average, each person has 60,000 thoughts a day! That is one thought per second every hour you are awake! Over 95 percent are the same thoughts repeated every day. On average, 80 percent of those habitual thoughts are negative.


The good news! We can train our brain to think about new and positive thoughts.


Positive Thinking and Weight Loss Goals


Positive thoughts are empowering. A negative attitude can set processes in motion that makes losing weight difficult, if not impossible. Berating yourself every time you eat the dessert or indulge in some potato chips has significant effects. Constantly focusing on what you can’t eat, and approaching weight loss with negative thoughts will sabotage your best weight loss intentions.

When you hold a negative image of yourself, you deny yourself the energy your body and life need! Using food as a method to cope with feelings of depression, lack of motivation and lack of control in one’s life will keep your health and ultimately your life in a constant cycle of dead-end results.

However, tuning into how you feel, acknowledging those feelings and transforming those thoughts into something more positive, can actually help you to achieve your weight loss goals faster, and improve your overall health and happiness.


3 Common Negative Mental Habits That Affect Weight Loss Goals


The following 3 negative mental habits occur frequently with many people and can affect your health and weight.


Black and White Thinking About Weight Loss


 The color gray is not in your vocabulary and certainly not allowed in your weight loss journey. There is no middle ground; you are either perfect or a failure.


Example: Sarah has followed her weight loss plan successfully for a month, but slipped up and ate a cookie during an office meeting. After the meeting, she was so upset about the slip up she went and grabbed 5 more cookies from the break room. Sarah does not recognize that this was an isolated bump, and instead takes an all-or-nothing approach to her weight loss. The negative self thoughts continue throughout the day, and she ends up eating a burger and fries on the way home as she continues to take the negative all-or-nothing view.


How To Change Black & White Thinking in Weight Loss


To correct you all-or-nothing thinking, try to avoid unconditional terms, such as I have to follow my weight loss diet perfectly 0r I will never reach my goal weight.

Notice when you are thinking in black-or-white extremes and ask yourself if there is a possibility for any gray area. When you can only see one side of any situation in weight loss, it can help to seek out the support of trusted friends or family. Also a weight loss support group and health coach can assist you in finding solutions and thinking beyond absolute terms when you are looking to successfully lose weight.


The “Should” Illusion In Weight Loss


You have a secret personal list of many inflexible “commandments” about how you and others should act and eat when it comes to weight loss. Often, many people with the “should” mental mindsets are not receptive of any weight loss advice from anyone or anything different than their own beliefs.


Example: Dave wants to lose weight to improve his chances of not needing his high cholesterol and blood pressure medication. He sees his primary care doctor and his doctor recommends he lose 30 pounds on a medically supervised weight loss program. The medical weight loss program his doctor recommends provides an average weight loss of 2-4 pounds per week. Dave believes he can lose weight quicker and cheaper because of his internal “should” commandments. Dave buys some over the counter diet suppressants, starts the Atkins diet and takes up running. He forces himself harder and harder to reach his weight loss goal, and ends up injuring his knee. He hobbles out of the gym and swears off weight loss programs and getting healthy.


How To Change the “Should” Illusion in Weight Loss


First, recognize this pattern in yourself. Often in life we have a number of “pre-set” ideas about many things. Some we are correct about and other ideas we are inaccurate about it. Change takes time, but small steps can reap big rewards and life long results. The “should” illusion thinking can be tough to change, but it is possible. Take small steps. Every week identify 1 new change you can make in your diet that is from a credible source such as: http://www.webmd.com, a registered dietitian or www.solsticewi.com. There is a plethora of nutrition advice out on the web, often not the most credible. Also, everyday say 5 positive things about your self. Many times rigid thinking displayed in “should” illusion thinking tends to create more negative thoughts than positive thoughts. Weight loss can be difficult process, but simply having a positive attitude will make the challenge easier. According to a study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, as self-efficacy improved in young adults, eating habits improved and weight loss increased. As time progresses your positive thinking habits and changes will become routine, along with your healthier lifestyle.


I’ll Start Tomorrow Weight Loss Thought


This is one we can all probably relate too! We have all said this to ourselves at one point or another, whether its was regarding health eating or looking to get back to the gym. Often this results in the cycle thinking of putting many things off till “tomorrow” and many things do not get accomplished. This creates the vicious cycle of always putting off change.


Example: Susan wants to lose 50 pounds. She gained more weight than she anticipated during her pregnancy. Susan gave birth to a healthy baby girl and was determined to lose the extra 50 pounds she gained. Every Sunday she plans to start her week eating healthy and exercising. Susan plans to get up early Monday morning to start the day with a healthy veggie omelet and to squeeze in a quick 30-minute walk. Her alarm rings Monday morning at 5:30am, Susan rolls over, hits the snooze button and decides to start tomorrow. Susan’s daughter is now 5 years old and her “I’ll start tomorrow” thinking still has her 50 pounds of pregnancy weight holding on.


How To Change The I’ll Start Tomorrow Weight Loss Thought Process


The moment you think “I’ll start tomorrow,” ask yourself what little step forward you can make RIGHT NOW. Not later in the day, but that exact moment. Can you make a small tweak with what you’re about to order for lunch, or refill your water glass before you type another email? It might feel scary to make changes, but the sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll see results. You can do this. Small changes lead to big results!


You Can Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals


The famous statement mind over matter holds true. We become what we think, and often many weight loss programs do not understand the mental and emotional aspect of weight and food. Understanding your reactions to certain emotions can help you identify thinking and changes that need to occur. A POSITIVE, strong support network is vital in achieving your weight loss goals. You can reach your goals!

Contact Solstice Health today to schedule a free weight loss consult and learn more about our mindful and healthy approach to weight loss success.