Do Something for Yourself

150 LBS Lost

When Kristi came to us, she was her own biggest challenge. Our first goal was to let her know that we believed in her journey–and encourage her to believe in the same thing. Once Kristi felt that her goals were achievable, she became unstoppable. We are proud of Kristi and where her journey with Solstice Health has brought her. This is Kristi’s story, in her own words.

“When I walked into Solstice in January 2015 I felt defeated and scared. Scared for my life and scared I couldn’t do anything about it. I was afraid to fail. I met with Dr. Murray and felt comforted in the fact that he knew I could do it, Christina knew I could do it, and now the hard part was me believing in myself.”

“After the first week I lost 8 lbs, and I felt proud. For the first time in so long I could say that I did something for myself, and was proud. I kept on going and week after week the pounds just kept coming off.”

“I was 311 pounds when I walked into Solstice. I was a ticking time bomb and now I can say that I am healthy and have more energy than imaginable. I can now be the mom I want to be and the mom my son deserves. We play, dance and even jog together. He is proud of me and tells me that he is happy I can do so many things with him now.”

“I can honestly say that Dr. Murray, Christina, and the entire Solstice team has saved my life. Their support and encouragement has been amazing and exactly what I needed.”

“I have recommended Solstice to so many people, and always will. Ideal Protein itself is such a great product, but you can’t beat the team at Solstice. They are simply amazing.”

At Solstice Health, we offer a comprehensive medical weight loss protocol that teaches participants how to achieve healthy, realistic goals. Called the Solstice Weight Loss Protocol, our plan focuses on eating and exercising properly to achieve lifelong, whole-body results. Patients who follow our protocol as prescribed have a 100% success rate and find a dramatic reduction in the incidence and severity of weight-related health conditions.

Attend a FREE Weight Loss Seminar presented by Dr. Murray, Thursday, March 10 at 6:30pm.
Location: 17043 West Greenfield Avenue, New Berlin, WI.

Dr. Murray will discuss our medically supervised natural weight loss program: Ideal Protein, and will also spend some time talking about stem cell therapy treatments and our direct primary care model.

RSVP by Tuesday, March 8th.

New Berlin Weight Loss Doctor

New Berlin Weight Loss Doctor

Medical Weight Loss Doctor Tim Murray has a location in New Berlin at:
17043 West Greenfield Avenue
New Berlin, WI 53151
Schedule a time to meet with Dr. Murray at your convenience by calling (262) 354-3100

Oconomowoc Weight Loss Doctor

Oconomowoc Weight Loss Doctor

Medical Weight Loss Doctor Tim Murray has a location in Oconomowoc at:
1020 Oconomowoc Parkway, Suite B
Oconomowoc, WI 53066
Schedule a time to meet with Dr. Murray at your convenience by calling 262-239-7353

Your New Year’s Weight Loss Goals

If you’re like 66% of people who make yearly resolutions, you’ve set some new year’s weight loss goals for yourself,  which is great. With the ever-increasing prevalence of obesity in the U.S., it’s easy to forget what a healthy weight looks like, and having fitness goals is the first step to getting healthy.

Unfortunately, if you’re like 73% of people who make weight loss resolutions, you’re also going to give up before you achieve your goal. Since nearly half of Americans make new year’s resolutions, that’s a lot of failed fitness goals year after year.

So, what can you do to increase your chances of successfully losing weight? Here are three ways that you can help yourself be successful.

Be Realistic

Don’t set yourself up to fail by setting a goal that you can’t possibly achieve. Half of the battle when it comes to weight loss is psychological, because if you can’t keep yourself motivated, you won’t sustain the changes you need to achieve your goals. That means that you need to set healthy, realistic goals for yourself, which means no “nevers” (Are you really NEVER going to eat chocolate again?) and finding a realistic goal weight.

Have a (Good) Plan

If you’re serious about your fitness resolutions, it’s vital that you have a good weight loss plan in place, and not just some fad diet or all-liquid cleanse. A good fitness plan will help you map out the many lifestyle changes you’ll need to achieve your goal weight and to sustain it.

Focus on Your Health, Not Just Your Weight

Since most people make fitness goals because they want to lose weight, it can be hard for them to shift their focus from their weight to their overall health, but doing so is key. By focusing on your overall health, you’ll find it easier to understand the importance of making sustained lifestyle changes, particularly when it comes to the foods you eat and your levels of physical activity.

These three steps may seem small, but they can fundamentally change how successful you are at achieving your new year’s weight loss goals. Because, really, wouldn’t it be nice to start next year with a new set of resolutions instead of the same old ones, again?

At Solstice Health, we offer a comprehensive weight loss protocol that teaches participants how to achieve healthy, realistic goals. Called the Solstice Weight Loss Protocol, our plan focuses on eating and exercising properly to achieve lifelong, whole-body results. Patients who follow our protocol as prescribed have a 100% success rate and find a dramatic reduction in the incidence and severity of weight-related health conditions.

Waukesha Weight Loss Doctor Tim Murray founded Solstice Health in 2013 with the vision of giving people back control of their health, healthcare decisions, and dollars.

Maintaining Medical Weight Loss

For many, losing weight is the smaller fight in a much larger battle: maintaining an ideal weight after the diet ends. The problem for these weight watchers is that they plan to lose weight by dieting rather than by adopting long-term lifestyle changes that will result in sustainable results.

In general, those that maintain a healthy, balanced weight have two weapons that those who gain the weight back do not:

  1. They understand how to eat to maximize weight loss and well being.
  2. They have a proven plan for achieving their results.

The Importance of Having a Plan

Many people think that because they are on a diet they have a plan. This is not true. A diet is not a plan. It is simply a restriction of what one eats. A plan is a detailed proposal for achieving a goal. The difference may seem slight but it is, in fact, quite large. A plan takes into consideration the end goal (such as maintaining a healthy weight), while a diet does not—it is simply a tactic someone uses to lose weight.

Unfortunately, few people understand this difference, nor do they have the nutritional and behavioral understanding necessary to create a sustainable plan. This is where the Solstice Medical Weight Loss Protocol can help.

The Solstice Plan

The Solstice Weight Loss Protocol is a four-phase plan designed to help participants achieve their weight loss goals and maintain results. A customized plan that is specifically tailored to meet the individual needs of each participant, our plan provides the one-on-one guidance and essential nutritional education often needed to make the lifelong lifestyle changes necessary to maintain a healthy weight long after active participation in the program ends.

Over the course of each phase, the Solstice Plan focuses on teaching participants:

  • Why they gain weight
  • How obesity and poor nutrition cause life-threatening conditions
  • How to eat and exercise to promote weight loss and health
  • How to maintain a healthy weight for life

Patients who follow our program as prescribed have a 100% success rate. More than that, many find that the chronic, obesity-related conditions related to high insulin, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure that they suffered while overweight disappear once they achieve a healthy body weight and lifestyle.

No more fad diets. No more ups and downs. No more questioning whether a food is healthy for you or not. The Solstice Weight Loss Protocol just provides the tools and support participants need to achieve their weight loss goals.

At Solstice Health, we are committed to providing natural treatments and programs that provide lifelong benefits. To learn more about our medical weight loss programs, call or visit our office today.