The Connection Between Weight Loss and Diabetes

The link between diabetes and weight loss are well-known, and that being overweight or obese significantly increases your chances of getting diabetes. What is not fully understood is the reason why this link exists.

Studies have suggested that fat cells around the abdominal area may cause your body to release chemicals that make it less responsive to the insulin released. Insulin is responsible for helping your body convert glucose into fat or energy. If your body is unable to use the insulin produced, your glucose will instead build up in your blood, leading to high blood sugar levels. This results in type 2 diabetes. Obesity also is linked to high levels of cholesterol and poor heart health, so watching and managing your weight will not only help you prevent or manage your diabetes, but also improve your circulatory system.

There is also one other connection between weight loss and diabetes. Sometimes, weight loss is a sign of diabetes. How can this be? As mentioned above, insulin is required to help your body convert glucose into energy or fat. If your body does not produce any insulin, your body will begin burning fat and muscle to generate energy, which leads to weight loss. If your lifestyle has not changed but your weight has, this may be a sign of type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is when your body is unable to produce any insulin as a result of an autoimmune condition that destroys the insulin-producing cells in your pancreas.

We can help you lose weight in a controlled and safe condition, helping you manage or prevent diabetes no matter your stage in life. To learn more about how your glucose levels can be managed as part of a diet, contact us at Solstice Health to learn more about our diabetic weight loss program that provides an all-natural, GMO-free, and medically-licensed weight loss protocol.

How Soluble Fiber Helps Manage Glucose

It’s often drilled into us by doctors and dieticians that we have to eat more fiber, and that it’s good for us. But what we don’t always remember is why. This week we’ll explain it in a little more detail for you, helping you to choose healthier foods and enjoy an improved lifestyle.

Fiber is not digested or but passed through your body. So why eat it at all? Because not being digested doesn’t mean it doesn’t provide any benefits to your health. A diet rich in soluble fibre can:

  • Maintain bowel health
  • Improve your bowel movements
  • Lower cholesterol levels
  • Keep your blood sugar levels in check

So how is this done? Soluble fiber means that it dissolves in water. This helps slow down the absorption of sugar in your diet, which keeps your blood glucose levels down for longer. This means a reduction in the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, or helping you manage your symptoms better if you already have it.

Foods rich in soluble fiber include fruits such as cherries, peaches, apples, and nectarines, as well as vegetables including soybeans, beans, and green peas. Of course, grain products are well known for being rich in fiber. Choose oats and whole wheat products for food that is rich in soluble fiber as well as being low on the glycemic index, helping to maintain or improve your heart health as well as keeping your glucose levels down.

To learn more about how your glucose levels can be managed as part of a diet, contact us at Solstice Health to learn more about our diabetic weight loss program that provides an all-natural, GMO-free, and medically-licensed weight loss protocol.

Foods with a Low Glycemic Index

A high blood sugar level can pose serious problems for everyone. If you have diabetes, it can exacerbate your symptoms, and if you don’t, a consistently high blood sugar level can cause diabetes in the future if you leave it unchecked. Foods with a low glycemic index are those with carbs that raise your blood gluclose level less than foods with a higher GI level. Foods with a GI level less than 55 are considered low.

Here are some foods to combine in your diet this summer to keep your blood glucose levels in check!

  1. Fruits: Some of the tastiest fruits in season have a low glycemic index, such as cherries, peaches, nectarines, and strawberries. They make for a refreshing snack while also helping to keep your blood sugar levels down!
  2. Pasta: If your pasta is made with white durum wheat, it has a GI level of just 44, meaning it’s perfect for anyone looking for a delicious meal while also watching their blood sugar levels. Just make sure it’s part of a balanced diet, as a low GI level isn’t the same as the total amount of carbohydrates you consume in your meal. Cook your pasta with meat or seafood to keep your glycemic load down, as they have no carbs.
  3. Oatmeal: Rolled or steel-cut oat bran or muesli are rich in all the good things for your body. They can help lower cholesterol and rich in fiber in addition to being on the low end of the glycemic index. This good for your health as well as keeping your blood sugar levels down. Combine it with blueberries, blackberries and raspberries, which also have low glycemic loads for a nutritious and delicious breakfast or snack!
  4. If you’re trying to cut down on meat, you’ll want a healthy protein-rich alternative. Baked beans, chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils, peas, and soybeans are all packed with protein and will keep your blood glucose levels down, thanks to their low numbers on the glycemic index.

To learn more about how your diabetes can be managed as part of a diet, contact us at Solstice Health to learn more about our diabetic weight loss program that provides an all-natural, GMO-free, and medically-licensed weight loss protocol.

Busy Mom Weight Loss Tips

busy-mom weight loss tips

You start your day at 6am rushing to get you and the kids out the door. You rush to work for 8 hours, often scarfing down your lunch consisting of your left over pizza from last evening’s dinner. Just as you rushed into work in the morning, you rush out to pick up the kids and take them to practices. On the way you swing through the drive-thru at your favorite fast food restaurant to grab dinner for your family. You get home, get your kids tucked into bed and your exhausted! Your energy level is depleted and your clothes are getting tighter every week. The frustration sets in, and you feel you will never reach your weight loss goals.

It does not need to be this way! Moms are very busy juggling careers, kids and often feel there is not enough time in the day to do it all! As a result their weight increases and their health decreases. While we can’t change the number of hours in a day, we can make some small changes throughout the day that can leave you feeling healthier. The best part, you pass down these healthy habits to your kids.

Here are 4 simple busy mom weight loss tips to try today:

Busy Mom Weight Loss Tip #1: Attack the Fat in the Morning

Breakfast has earned the title, “most important meal of the day” for a reason. Starting your day off with breakfast will help you make healthier choices later in the day. When you skip breakfast, you are starving by lunchtime and will likely eat more calories and more fattening foods. An additional breakfast bonus, you have more time to burn the calories off throughout the day. Throughout the day you should reduce your meal sizes. When you eat a large meal before bed you tend to gain more fat long term since your body is in storage mode vs. burning mode while you sleep. Additionally, large meals before bed often affect your quality of sleep.

The following are some quick and healthy breakfast choices for your mornings:

  • If you’ve got time: Scramble some eggs and serve with turkey bacon, fruit, and whole-grain wheat toast.
  • If you’re in a rush: Toast a whole grain English muffin and top with low-fat cheese and some sliced vegetables.                 
  • If you’re running out the door: Microwave some eggs in a coffee mug, grab a banana or an organic low-sugar protein bar.

Busy Mom Weight Loss Tip #2: Create Healthy Family Challenges

Create healthy family challenges for the week. Just because you and your family spend the weekdays apart doesn’t mean you can’t be active together. Create a family step challenge. Have everyone in your family wear a pedometer and compare steps at the end of the day. Start with 5,000 steps per day and then increase to 10,000 steps per day.

Here are some additional healthy family challenges:

  • When you arrive at work, park at the end of the lot and walk.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.
  • Bring your lunch. It’s healthier, and it takes less time than standing in line for takeout. Then you’ll have time for a quick walk.

Busy Mom Weight Loss Tip #3: Take Time For Dinner


We know making healthy choices for dinner is important, but so is how you eat dinner. Eating dinner together as family is truly a long-lost tradition in today’s busy world. The shift in not eating dinner together as a family has lead to weight gain. Eating out is less nutritious and leads to more calorie consumption. Additionally, home-cooked meals provide family cohesion and cause us to slow down.

Between each bite put your fork down and talk. The slower you eat the more time you give your body to feel full, and will lead to eating less. This also provides your family the time to share about each other’s day and check in.


Busy Mom Weight Loss Tip #4:Get Some Sleep


Just like your kids, you need rest to be ready for the next day. That’s 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. When you get enough sleep your body functions better. Stress levels are lowered and you have an easier time maintaining your ideal body weight.

When you do get enough sleep, you’re more likely to have more energy the next day. This additional energy could be used for a morning workout, more time to pack a healthier lunch or to prepare a healthy breakfast.

All these small changes can add up to making a big difference in your weight loss goals and in your family’s health.

If you are looking to lose weight and keep it off, Solstice Health’s Ideal Protein weight loss program can help. Contact us today to learn more about our weight loss program and to schedule a free weight loss consult.

Type 2 Diabetes: How to Lose Weight

type 2 diabetes weight loss

The Benefits of Weight Loss for Type 2 Diabetes


Weight loss is a common recommendation in treating type 2 diabetes. Often many people are overweight when they are first diagnosed. This extra fat increases their insulin resistance making it more difficult for their bodies to properly utilize the hormone insulin.

The insulin resistance problem can be treated through weight loss. By losing weight, people with type 2 diabetes can become less insulin resistant, allowing their bodies to utilize insulin better.

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and is overweight, you should get started on a weight loss and weight management plan as soon as possible. When looking for a type 2 diabetes weight loss program, do your research and make sure you work with a qualified medical weight loss provider and program; preferably through a medically supervised diabetes weight loss program overseen by a physician, registered nurse and/or registered dietician.

Weight Loss Health Benefits For Type 2 Diabetes

Losing weight provides tremendous health advantages, not just diabetes related ones.

  • Boost your energy level
  • Lower your cholesterol levels (especially important for people with type 2 diabetes)
  • Protect your heart (also important for people with diabetes, since heart-related complications are very common)
  • Make it easier to control your blood glucose level

We understand, losing weight can be challenging, but don’t let this idea stop you from moving forward to reach your health and weight loss goals. Find motivation from support groups, friends and family who have lost weight, and/or through a local weight loss program that provides personalized support through each step in your weight loss journey.

The amount of calories we eat contributes to weight gain. Learn portion sizes and reduce the amount of total calories you consume each day. Utilize cookbooks and recipe sites providing healthy low-fat, low-carb meal options. Carb content in foods is important to know to help guide you in making healthier food choices.

Type 2 Diabetes Weight Loss Final Thoughts

Everyone should strive for a healthy weight goal. Losing weight can help lower your body’s insulin resistance. Losing weight and then maintaining a healthy weight are healthy choices for life—whether you have type 2 diabetes or not.

If you are looking to lose weight whether you have type 2 diabetes or not, Solstice Health can help. Schedule a free weight loss consult to learn more about how we can help you improve your health and achieve life long weight loss.