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How Soluble Fiber Helps Manage Glucose

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It’s often drilled into us by doctors and dieticians that we have to eat more fiber, and that it’s good for us. But what we don’t always remember is why. This week we’ll explain it in a little more detail for you, helping you to choose healthier foods and enjoy an improved lifestyle.

Fiber is not digested or but passed through your body. So why eat it at all? Because not being digested doesn’t mean it doesn’t provide any benefits to your health. A diet rich in soluble fibre can:

  • Maintain bowel health
  • Improve your bowel movements
  • Lower cholesterol levels
  • Keep your blood sugar levels in check

So how is this done? Soluble fiber means that it dissolves in water. This helps slow down the absorption of sugar in your diet, which keeps your blood glucose levels down for longer. This means a reduction in the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, or helping you manage your symptoms better if you already have it.

Foods rich in soluble fiber include fruits such as cherries, peaches, apples, and nectarines, as well as vegetables including soybeans, beans, and green peas. Of course, grain products are well known for being rich in fiber. Choose oats and whole wheat products for food that is rich in soluble fiber as well as being low on the glycemic index, helping to maintain or improve your heart health as well as keeping your glucose levels down.

To learn more about how your glucose levels can be managed as part of a diet, contact us at Solstice Health to learn more about our diabetic weight loss program that provides an all-natural, GMO-free, and medically-licensed weight loss protocol.