The 3 Worst Mental Habits that Sabotage Your Weight Loss Goals

Weight Loss goals


The way you think about yourself affects your ability to reach your weight loss goals.  Mental habits have a huge impact on your health and life! On average, each person has 60,000 thoughts a day! That is one thought per second every hour you are awake! Over 95 percent are the same thoughts repeated every day. On average, 80 percent of those habitual thoughts are negative.


The good news! We can train our brain to think about new and positive thoughts.


Positive Thinking and Weight Loss Goals


Positive thoughts are empowering. A negative attitude can set processes in motion that makes losing weight difficult, if not impossible. Berating yourself every time you eat the dessert or indulge in some potato chips has significant effects. Constantly focusing on what you can’t eat, and approaching weight loss with negative thoughts will sabotage your best weight loss intentions.

When you hold a negative image of yourself, you deny yourself the energy your body and life need! Using food as a method to cope with feelings of depression, lack of motivation and lack of control in one’s life will keep your health and ultimately your life in a constant cycle of dead-end results.

However, tuning into how you feel, acknowledging those feelings and transforming those thoughts into something more positive, can actually help you to achieve your weight loss goals faster, and improve your overall health and happiness.


3 Common Negative Mental Habits That Affect Weight Loss Goals


The following 3 negative mental habits occur frequently with many people and can affect your health and weight.


Black and White Thinking About Weight Loss


 The color gray is not in your vocabulary and certainly not allowed in your weight loss journey. There is no middle ground; you are either perfect or a failure.


Example: Sarah has followed her weight loss plan successfully for a month, but slipped up and ate a cookie during an office meeting. After the meeting, she was so upset about the slip up she went and grabbed 5 more cookies from the break room. Sarah does not recognize that this was an isolated bump, and instead takes an all-or-nothing approach to her weight loss. The negative self thoughts continue throughout the day, and she ends up eating a burger and fries on the way home as she continues to take the negative all-or-nothing view.


How To Change Black & White Thinking in Weight Loss


To correct you all-or-nothing thinking, try to avoid unconditional terms, such as I have to follow my weight loss diet perfectly 0r I will never reach my goal weight.

Notice when you are thinking in black-or-white extremes and ask yourself if there is a possibility for any gray area. When you can only see one side of any situation in weight loss, it can help to seek out the support of trusted friends or family. Also a weight loss support group and health coach can assist you in finding solutions and thinking beyond absolute terms when you are looking to successfully lose weight.


The “Should” Illusion In Weight Loss


You have a secret personal list of many inflexible “commandments” about how you and others should act and eat when it comes to weight loss. Often, many people with the “should” mental mindsets are not receptive of any weight loss advice from anyone or anything different than their own beliefs.


Example: Dave wants to lose weight to improve his chances of not needing his high cholesterol and blood pressure medication. He sees his primary care doctor and his doctor recommends he lose 30 pounds on a medically supervised weight loss program. The medical weight loss program his doctor recommends provides an average weight loss of 2-4 pounds per week. Dave believes he can lose weight quicker and cheaper because of his internal “should” commandments. Dave buys some over the counter diet suppressants, starts the Atkins diet and takes up running. He forces himself harder and harder to reach his weight loss goal, and ends up injuring his knee. He hobbles out of the gym and swears off weight loss programs and getting healthy.


How To Change the “Should” Illusion in Weight Loss


First, recognize this pattern in yourself. Often in life we have a number of “pre-set” ideas about many things. Some we are correct about and other ideas we are inaccurate about it. Change takes time, but small steps can reap big rewards and life long results. The “should” illusion thinking can be tough to change, but it is possible. Take small steps. Every week identify 1 new change you can make in your diet that is from a credible source such as:, a registered dietitian or There is a plethora of nutrition advice out on the web, often not the most credible. Also, everyday say 5 positive things about your self. Many times rigid thinking displayed in “should” illusion thinking tends to create more negative thoughts than positive thoughts. Weight loss can be difficult process, but simply having a positive attitude will make the challenge easier. According to a study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, as self-efficacy improved in young adults, eating habits improved and weight loss increased. As time progresses your positive thinking habits and changes will become routine, along with your healthier lifestyle.


I’ll Start Tomorrow Weight Loss Thought


This is one we can all probably relate too! We have all said this to ourselves at one point or another, whether its was regarding health eating or looking to get back to the gym. Often this results in the cycle thinking of putting many things off till “tomorrow” and many things do not get accomplished. This creates the vicious cycle of always putting off change.


Example: Susan wants to lose 50 pounds. She gained more weight than she anticipated during her pregnancy. Susan gave birth to a healthy baby girl and was determined to lose the extra 50 pounds she gained. Every Sunday she plans to start her week eating healthy and exercising. Susan plans to get up early Monday morning to start the day with a healthy veggie omelet and to squeeze in a quick 30-minute walk. Her alarm rings Monday morning at 5:30am, Susan rolls over, hits the snooze button and decides to start tomorrow. Susan’s daughter is now 5 years old and her “I’ll start tomorrow” thinking still has her 50 pounds of pregnancy weight holding on.


How To Change The I’ll Start Tomorrow Weight Loss Thought Process


The moment you think “I’ll start tomorrow,” ask yourself what little step forward you can make RIGHT NOW. Not later in the day, but that exact moment. Can you make a small tweak with what you’re about to order for lunch, or refill your water glass before you type another email? It might feel scary to make changes, but the sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll see results. You can do this. Small changes lead to big results!


You Can Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals


The famous statement mind over matter holds true. We become what we think, and often many weight loss programs do not understand the mental and emotional aspect of weight and food. Understanding your reactions to certain emotions can help you identify thinking and changes that need to occur. A POSITIVE, strong support network is vital in achieving your weight loss goals. You can reach your goals!

Contact Solstice Health today to schedule a free weight loss consult and learn more about our mindful and healthy approach to weight loss success.

How Employers Can Take Control of the Healthcare System

The healthcare landscape continues to change rapidly. Recently the 21st Century Cures Act was signed into effect. The Cures Act is making significant provisions to health reimbursement arrangements (HRA’s) for employers with 50 or less employees. Changes to the Affordable Care Act will likely be announced in 2017. Regardless of whether the ACA is repealed or withheld, the US will continue to face the challenge of overpriced healthcare with inadequate quality. (Despite spending more per capita on healthcare than any other country in the world, the life expectancy of U.S. citizens ranks only 26th out of the 36 member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.)

Employers are faced with the burden of how to manage the never-ending price increase. The reluctant solution for many employers has been to shift the costs on to their employees. The high deductible, high premium health care plan has been the normal benefit offering. Cost shifting onto employees has proved to be inefficient, and often incurs additional costs for employers. Due to the high the high deductibles, many employees are reluctant to seek preventive care leading to increases in urgent care and emergency room utilization rates.

control healthcare costs

There is a solution and a growing trend in the US to improve health outcomes, quality and allow employers to take control of the healthcare system, the solution is Direct Primary Care. Direct Primary Care (DPC) is an affordable membership based healthcare model. Direct Primary Care does not bill through insurance, which reduces the practices overhead costs by 60% or more. The cost savings is passed on to the patients who are able to have 24/7 access through telemedicine, and same/next day appointments with their doctor for often less than a monthly cell phone bill.

Here are 3 significant ways Direct Primary Care helps employers reduce costs, improve quality and take control of the healthcare system.

  1. Improved Access since direct primary care reduces patient panel size to typically no more than 500-600 patients per physician versus traditional fee-for-service primary care practices in which the patient panel size is typically 2,500 to 4,000 patients per physician. DPC patients are able to have 24/7 access to their primary care physician, and same or next day appointments. Instead of the average 7 minutes spent with each patient in traditional fee-for-service primary care practices.


  1. Quality Improvement is often tied to improvement in access. DPC physicians have the ability to block hour-long intervals to ensure they have enough time for a more comprehensive patient history, the ability to perform a through exam and time for critical thinking. When paired with 24/7 telemedicine to provide immediate access to your own primary care provider who knows you and your health history on weekends and evenings results in more appropriate care, and a reduction in ancillary services such as the ER or additional specialty care. There are multiple studies that confirm Direct Primary Care does translate into improved quality of care.


  1. Cost Reduction occurs through a variety of channels when utilizing Direct Primary Care. First, DPC reduces overall healthcare costs by reducing unnecessary healthcare utilization. Data from Qliance, One of the US largest direct primary care practice, shows the DPC savings vs. fee for service primary care had:
  • 14% decrease in ER visits
  • 60% decrease in the number of days admitted to the hospital
  • 14% decrease in specialty referrals
  • 29% decrease in radiology exams
  • 58% increase in primary care visits

Yielding a $679.00 savings per patient per year compared to traditional fee-for-service practices.

Local Governments are utilizing Direct Primary Care for significant cost savings. In 2015, Union County North Carolina expanded its health benefits to include a Direct Primary Care (DPC) option for employees. It is the first county in the state to offer such a plan, and its experience offers valuable lessons to other counties. Direct Primary Care in comparison to their CDHP (Consumer Driven Health Plan) and in the first year has saved over 1.28 million in healthcare claims for Union County.

control healthcare costs

control healthcare costs

As health care costs continue to rise faster than the rate of general inflation, employers must necessarily consider new and innovative ideas. Direct Primary Care has the potential to effectively transform our healthcare system in the United States.

If you are an individual or employer group, Solstice Health has Direct Primary Care solutions to fit your budget and company needs. Solstice Health provides Direct Primary Care services in 3 clinic locations throughout Southeastern Wisconsin and through on-site and near-site clinics for employers. Contact the Solstice Health team today to learn more about our Employer Direct Primary Care Solutions.

Solstice Health provides direct primary care at 3 convenient locations throughout southeastern Wisconsin.

Type 2 Diabetes: How to Lose Weight

type 2 diabetes weight loss

The Benefits of Weight Loss for Type 2 Diabetes


Weight loss is a common recommendation in treating type 2 diabetes. Often many people are overweight when they are first diagnosed. This extra fat increases their insulin resistance making it more difficult for their bodies to properly utilize the hormone insulin.

The insulin resistance problem can be treated through weight loss. By losing weight, people with type 2 diabetes can become less insulin resistant, allowing their bodies to utilize insulin better.

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and is overweight, you should get started on a weight loss and weight management plan as soon as possible. When looking for a type 2 diabetes weight loss program, do your research and make sure you work with a qualified medical weight loss provider and program; preferably through a medically supervised diabetes weight loss program overseen by a physician, registered nurse and/or registered dietician.

Weight Loss Health Benefits For Type 2 Diabetes

Losing weight provides tremendous health advantages, not just diabetes related ones.

  • Boost your energy level
  • Lower your cholesterol levels (especially important for people with type 2 diabetes)
  • Protect your heart (also important for people with diabetes, since heart-related complications are very common)
  • Make it easier to control your blood glucose level

We understand, losing weight can be challenging, but don’t let this idea stop you from moving forward to reach your health and weight loss goals. Find motivation from support groups, friends and family who have lost weight, and/or through a local weight loss program that provides personalized support through each step in your weight loss journey.

The amount of calories we eat contributes to weight gain. Learn portion sizes and reduce the amount of total calories you consume each day. Utilize cookbooks and recipe sites providing healthy low-fat, low-carb meal options. Carb content in foods is important to know to help guide you in making healthier food choices.

Type 2 Diabetes Weight Loss Final Thoughts

Everyone should strive for a healthy weight goal. Losing weight can help lower your body’s insulin resistance. Losing weight and then maintaining a healthy weight are healthy choices for life—whether you have type 2 diabetes or not.

If you are looking to lose weight whether you have type 2 diabetes or not, Solstice Health can help. Schedule a free weight loss consult to learn more about how we can help you improve your health and achieve life long weight loss.

Diabetes Fact vs. Myth – Do You Know The Truth?



November is American Diabetes Month, to raise awareness and understanding about this serious condition. Nearly 30 million Americans have diabetes, and another 86 million are at risk for diabetes. The risks and complications associated with diabetes is very serious and can be life threatening. It is vital for people to understand their risks for developing diabetes.

The Internet provides vast amounts of information on diabetes, some diabetes facts and others diabetes myths. It is important to know the facts, so we separated facts from the myths when it comes to diabetes.


diabetes-mythDiabetes MYTH: Diabetes Is Not a Serious Condition

Diabetes FACT: Diabetes causes more deaths a year than breast cancer and AIDS combined. Having diabetes nearly doubles your chance of having a heart attack. The good news is that good diabetes control can reduce your risks for diabetes complications.




diabetes-mythDiabetes MYTH: Eating too much sugar causes Diabetes.

Diabetes FACT: Type 1 diabetes is caused by genetics and unknown factors that trigger its onset; type 2 is caused by genetics and lifestyle factors. Being overweight increases your risk for developing type 2, and a diet high in calories from any source contributes to weight gain. Research has shown that sugary drinks are linked to type 2 diabetes





Diabetes MYTH: People with diabetes are more likely to get colds and other illnesses.

Diabetes FACT: You are no more likely to get sick if you have diabetes. However, an illness can make your diabetes more difficult to control.






Diabetes MYTH: Women with diabetes shouldn’t get pregnant.

Diabetes FACT: Women who manage their diabetes well can have a normal pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby.





diabetes-mythDiabetes MYTH: People with diabetes can feel when their blood glucose level goes too low.

Diabetes FACT: Not always. Some people cannot feel or recognize the symptoms of low blood glucose, or hypoglycemia, which can be dangerous.







Diabetes MYTH: It’s possible to have “just a touch” or “a little” diabetes.

Diabetes FACT: There is no such thing. Everyone who has diabetes runs the risk of serious complications







Diabetes MYTH: You have to lose a lot of weight for your diabetes to improve.

Diabetes FACT: Losing just 7% of your body weight can offer significant health benefits—about 15 pounds if you weigh 200







Diabetes MYTH: Diabetes doesn’t run in my family, so I’m safe.

Diabetes FACT: Family history is only one of several risk factors for type 2 diabetes.








Diabetes MYTH: You’ll know if you have diabetes by your symptoms.

Diabetes FACT:  Not always. Type 2 diabetes often goes undiagnosed because it usually has few or no symptoms when it first develops








Diabetes MYTH: People who use insulin are unsafe drivers.

Diabetes FACT: The vast majority of drivers who use insulin can safely operate motor vehicles.







Diabetes MYTH: People with type 2 diabetes who need to use insulin are in serious trouble.

Diabetes FACT: Type 2 diabetes is a progressive disease, and most people with it eventually need insulin. By using insulin to keep their diabetes in good control, people with type 2 can often avoid complications and lead a healthy life.







Diabetes MYTH: People with diabetes need to follow a special diet.

Diabetes FACT: People with diabetes benefit from the same healthy diet that is good for everyone else: plenty of whole grains and fruits and vegetables, with a limited amount of fat and refined sugar.




Are you or someone you know struggeling with Type 2 diabetes and looking to lose weight?Type 2 diabetes weight loss does not need to be a lifelong struggle. At Solstice Health, our diabetes medical weight loss program has helped hundreds of type 2 diabetics reduce their insulin resistance and in many cases cured their type 2 diabetes. If you are looking to learn more about are medical weight loss options for type 2 diabetes, please contact us today to schedule a free consultation.


Solstice Health offers 3 convenient locations throughout southeastern Wisconsin.


Oconomowoc Wisconsin Location:

1020 Oconomowoc Parkway, Suite B

Oconomowoc, Wisconsin 53066


New Berlin Wisconsin Location:

17043 West Greenfield Avenue

New Berlin, Wisconsin 53151


Mequon Wisconsin Location: (Opening Fall 2016)

10945 N. Port Washington Road

Mequon, Wisconsin 53092




Weight Loss Programs Brookfield Wisconsin

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]weight loss programs Brookfield Wisconsin[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][prkwp_spacer size=”-100″][vc_custom_heading text=”Weight Loss Programs Brookfield Wisconsin” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][prkwp_spacer][vc_column_text]Live or work in the Brookfield Wisconsin area and looking for a successful and natural weight loss program, Solstice Health has the weight loss solution. Our weight loss program led by Dr. Timothy Murray, has helped patient through out Brookfield and surrounding areas in Wisconsin lose over 13,500 pounds and keep it off. Click here to learn more about our weight loss program.

Call Solstice Heath in Brookfield today at (262) 354-3100 to schedule your free weight loss consultation. We are located at 17043 W. Greenfield Ave, Brookfield Wisconsin.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

The Impact of Soda on Your Health

Impact of Soda on Your Health

What you drink matters. Everything that you ingest has an impact on your health. The vast majority of Americans fail to meet the recommended amount of daily water intake, leading to significant dehydration impacting one’s health.

Are you someone who regularly reaches for a soda when thirsty? After reading the following information, I hope that you think twice before reaching for your favorite carbonated beverage.

There is no benefit that can be obtained from drinking soda. Just one can contains 10 teaspoons of sugar, which is equivalent to a person’s daily-recommended amount. Within an hour of drinking soda, your blood sugar spikes. This causes an insulin burst that tricks your liver into converting all sugars into fat. After about 40 minutes, the caffeine has been absorbed into your body. Your body then responds with dilated pupils and increased blood pressure, and the liver dumps more sugar into your blood stream.

sodas negative impact on your health

Over time, soda consumption has a significant impact on your health. Soda consumption can interfere with neurological process, particularly those involved in making memories. A study published in Neuroscience found that a diet full of added sugar can reduce the production of the chemical brain-derived neutrophic factor (BDNF). When these levels are not high enough, cognitive tasks such as learning and the formation of memories become more difficult.

Consuming one can of soda a day dramatically increases your risk of developing chronic heart disease (CHD). Researchers of a Harvard University study found that “consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages was associated with a higher risk of CHD and some adverse changes in lipids, inflammatory factors, and leptin.”

Moreover, with every sip of your favorite carbonated beverage, you are causing damage to your teeth. The sugar in these drinks bonds to the bacteria in your mouth, which allows the rise of acid, that weakens the enamel of your teeth that can lead to cavities.

Do you think drinking diet soda is better for you? Think again. Diet soda drinkers have the same health problems as those who drink regular soda, if not more. Diet sodas are packed with artificial sweeteners that disrupt your body’s ability to process real sugar. The consumption of fake sugar confuses your body into thinking that it needs to process real food. When your body realizes it didn’t get what it was expecting, it doesn’t know how to respond. When a diet soda drinker consumes real sugar, his or her body is unable to recognize it as real and it doesn’t release the hormone that regulates blood pressure and blood sugar. According to Susan Swithers, “you’ve messed up the whole system, so when you consume real sugar, your body doesn’t know if it should try to process it because it’s been tricked by the fake sugar so many times.”

Diet soda may actually cause you to gain weight. Dr. Melina Jampolis states, “Research shows that sweet taste can increase appetite and the regular consumption of high intensity sweetness of artificial sweeteners may encourage sugar cravings and dependence.” Artificial sweeteners may also dampen your brain’s reward center, and that can cause you to over-indulge in more sweet-tasting, calorie-rich foods.

More about the health impacts of diet and regular soda consumption can be found here. What happens to your health when you stop drinking soda? That can be found here.

Before reaching for your favorite carbonated beverage please consider the long-term impact it can have on your health. Is the drink really worth it?

Losing Body Fat vs. Losing Weight


body fat

Weight loss tips, foods, and programs are everywhere; all promising you will lose weight and look great. Often many of these programs will help you achieve weight loss initially, but result in weight gain once you stop following the program. The weight loss achieved in many of these programs is not a true weight loss in the form of fat, but rather a combination of water, muscle, and body fat.

There is a big difference between losing weight and losing body fat. The goal should never be to lose weight, but always to lose fat! You want weight loss to come from fat, not water or muscle. The scale may reflect a smaller number, but you may be losing beneficial muscle, which will result in long-term weight gain, meaning fat-gain.


Body Fat Testing


 It is important to determine whether you are losing fat or muscle, water, and fat. For example if you are a woman who weighs 150 pounds, with 35 percent fat, you’re carrying around more than 52 pounds of fat. Ideally, a healthy woman will be around 25 percent body fat, or about 37 pounds of fat. To reach a healthier level would require 15 pounds of fat loss not weight loss. Say you lost 20 pounds total, but only 10 pounds of it came from fat stores. You would still be at an unhealthy 32 percent fat. To reach the 25 percent body fat level, all 20 pounds must come fat. Body fat testing through body composition analysis is an effective method to measure body fat loss. Below is a body fat chart outlining body fat percentages for men and women.

body fat programs


Dehydration is Not Weight Loss


 Often water or dehydration appears as weight loss changing the numbers on the scale. This is often one of the quickest weight loss tricks used by many programs and products in the market. If you lose weight it is because you’re dehydrated, you’ve only lost water, and the pounds will return in the blink of an eye. Don’t fool yourself into thinking those pounds are really gone. You still have just as much fat on your body as before. In fact, without hydration, the muscles will shrivel up because water keeps them plump and vital, leaving you lighter, but without any energy or strength.


Muscle Loss Slows the Metabolism


Losing weight other than fat is unavoidable, but the loss of muscle mass will cause a rebound effect that leads to weight gain. Muscle is metabolically active and lights your furnace, keeping your metabolism brisk and burning calories. Even when you’re sitting on the couch, you burn more calories if you have more muscle mass on your frame. So losing muscle means your furnace slows down, your metabolism gets sluggish and the weight keeps on coming.


Weight Loss Targeting Fat Loss


The new and latest weight loss programs will continue to emerge with promises of making you lose weight. Indeed, many of these programs will help you achieve weight loss, but likely only temporarily and possibly putting your health at risk. A medication, pill, shot or eating only a small selection of food that tastes like grass is simply unsustainable.

To specifically target fat loss, while maintaining lean body mass and hydration, the carbohydrate intake must be modified. All carbohydrates, good or bad raise blood sugar levels. As a result, too many carbohydrates significantly raise insulin levels, which act as a fat storage hormone, increase the production of cholesterol and increase arterial wall thickness, which induces high blood pressure. While targeting fat loss you must measure water mass/hydration, lean body mass, and body fat percentage to ensure you are achieving true fat weight loss. These measurements can be done through a body composition analysis device or at one of our Solstice Health clinics.


Solstice Health Weight Loss Program


 Our weight loss program was designed to target fat. To date, we have helped our clients achieve over 13,500 pounds of targeted fat weight loss. The Solstice Health weight loss program is four-phase plan where women can expect o lose an average of 2-4 pounds per week and men, an average of 4-7 pounds per week. Our goal is to help our clients achieve weight loss and keep the weight off. If you are interested in learning more about our program, please feel free to reach out and schedule a free weight loss consultation today.

Solstice Health offers 3 convenient locations throughout southeastern Wisconsin.

Oconomowoc Wisconsin Location:

1020 Oconomowoc Parkway, Suite B

Oconomowoc, Wisconsin 53066


New Berlin Wisconsin Location:

17043 West Greenfield Avenue

New Berlin, Wisconsin 53151


Mequon Wisconsin Location: (Opening Fall 2016)

10945 N. Port Washington Road

Mequon, Wisconsin 53092




Considering Bariatric Surgery: Do You Know The True Risks?

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]bariatric surgery

Many of us are aware of the obesity epidemic that is happening in the United States and all over the world. 1 in 3 adults are considered obese. Since 1988, the average American male has gained over 17 pounds while the average female has gained about 15 ½, Spotlight on Obesity reports. If these trends continue, nearly 43% of all Americans will be obese by 2018. The CDC also reports that the annual medical cost of obesity in America is $147 billion and the annual medical cost for obese persons versus average weight individuals is $1,429 more.

As a result quick fix solutions, ranging from medications to bariatric surgery, have become the sought after solution for many people. If you are considering bariatric surgery or other weight loss surgery methods such as laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding, sleeve gastrostomy, and duodenal switch with biliapancreatic division, please understand all the risks, complications and costs before deciding if this is the best step for your health and weight loss journey.


Weight Loss Surgery Cost

When considering weight loss surgery, you must evaluate the cost. Many surgeons will tell you this is really one of your only options to ever improve your health. First, this is false, we will share some alternative weight loss options later in this post. Second, bariatric surgeons want to perform these operations; the more weight loss surgeries they perform the more money the surgeons and hospitals make. Often, they do not share true alternatives to weight loss surgery, as it would ultimately affect their bottom line. In addition factor in the costs for complications or side effects that may require hospitalization, additional doctor’s visits and medications.


Average weight loss surgery costs between $14,900-$23,000. Most insurance carriers offer some weight loss surgery coverage, but few cover the entire procedure. Consider all the out of pocket expenses you will incur from this procedure. Many weight loss surgery providers recommend taking out a loan to cover all the medical expenses. Strongly consider if an additional monthly loan similar to an average car payment is worth it when effective and safe alternatives exist for weight loss.


Weight Loss Surgery Blood Clots

Other than the risks associated with having a general anesthetic, there are many other problems that can arise after weight loss surgery . Blood clots in the legs are a serious concern for anyone who has had major surgery, but blood clots are one of the worst bariatric surgery risks. Patients have restricted movement after weight loss surgery, so blood clots may build up in the legs and travel up to the lungs, blocking their ability to take in oxygen. There is also the chance of an infection developing inside the surgical cut, especially if the wound is not properly cared for. While these are short-term risks, blood clots have the potential to cause long-term health concerns, especially if the blood clot triggers a severe heart attack or stroke.


Inability to Absorb Nutrients in the Digestive Tract

Some weight loss surgeries that alter the digestive tract may result in very severe protein and vitamin deficiencies that can be fatal if left untreated. The more complicated a procedure is, the worse the bariatric surgery risks become. The Roux-en-Y and the biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch are two classic examples of procedures that can cause absorption issues in the digestive tract. The biliopancreatic diversion without the duodenal switch is another procedure known to cause nutritional deficiencies. Of the three surgeries, the biliopancreatic diversion without the duodenal switch is the riskiest. In fact, the biliopancreatic diversion without the duodenal switch is rarely performed due to the chances of developing a serious nutrient deficiency. Vitamin and protein deficiencies caused by an inability to properly absorb nutrients can lead to severe complications such as heart failure and dementia. You will be required to take a variety of supplements and vitamins for the rest of your life, that may help lessen these risks. However, these absorption inabilities will be a life long risk and need to be monitored carefully.


Osteoporosis and Weakened Skeletal Structure

Calcium deficiencies are usually associated with procedures that change the way the digestive tract absorbs nutrients. In some cases, a calcium deficiency may result in a stooped back and brittle bones. Medication is often required to prevent worsening symptoms. In some cases, patients who receive weight loss surgery may develop osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a permanent, potentially life-threatening bone disease that results in significant bone degeneration, leading to bones that are easily broken and fractured.


Long-Term Intolerance to Food

During the bariatric surgery recovery time, you may develop long-term nausea that causes intolerance to food. Some patients are unable to eat without vomiting or experiencing severe nausea. In some cases, hospitalization is required to avoid malnutrition, which is one of the most common and severe risks. This is one of the most uncomfortable long-term bariatric surgery risks, and there is no way to tell prior to surgery if it will happen to you. If this does happen post weight loss surgery, you will be required to be on medications that reduce nausea.


Weight Loss Surgery Alternatives

Weight loss surgery and a life long adherence to medications are not the only the options to live long and healthy life. Keep in mind medications and weight loss surgery provides a band-aid fix and doesn’t teach patients how to eat healthy naturally. In addition, many people have been down the weight loss path trying fad diets and weigh loss shakes that only work temporarily.

To achieve true weight loss success, you need to learn how to eat healthy, serving sizes, allow time and your plan must be personalized. Here at Solstice Health, we have helped hundreds of patients achieve weight loss success through our medical weight loss program. No medications, pills, or tricks. We work with our clients to understand what healthy food is, understand serving sizes, and form a healthy relationship with food for life. Our weight loss program is a 4-phase program which guides you through each weight loss phase, adjusting your eating to accomplish life long healthy eating and achieve your ideal weight. Here is a recent weight loss success client who lost 167 lbs. naturally.

bariatric surgery


Contact Solstice Health today to learn more about our weight loss program.


Shari’s Weight Loss Success Story

weight loss success Milwaukee

Meet Shari, and her journey to weight loss success!

Shari started the Solstice Health weight loss program in January 2016 and lost 43 lbs and 12.9% of body fat. She saw a friend lose weight successfully on the program, and for some health reasons, thought she would try it. Shari had some consistent joint pain in her hips. A rheumatologist was treating her joint pain with medication. Through her weight loss success, Shari no longer needs her prescription medication and has had significant improvement in her hip pain.

Here are some weight loss program questions and answers Shari shared.

Q. How did you manage to stay “on track” throughout the program?

A. By measuring my weekly successes! I didn’t want to go backwards and sabotage myself. Weighing myself daily helped keep me focused and on track.

Q. What was the most difficult part of the weight loss program for you?

A. Having to temporarily”give up” dairy, basically milk and cheese. I knew that it would be phased back into my eating plan, so that help to stay on track.

Q. What was your favorite Ideal Protein Food?

A. The Vanilla Crispy Squares.

Q. Did this weight loss program fit into your lifestyle?

A. Yes, I have a very busy lifestyle and this program easily fit into my daily routine.

Q. What advice would you share for someone considering the Solstice Health weight loss program?

A. Do it! You will feel so much better! It is so much fun going shopping for new clothes. I love all the positive comments I hear from people who are amazed with the amount of weight I lost!

You can achieve weight loss success like Shari did! It is never too late to improve your health! If you are interested in achieving weight loss success, contact Solstice Health today for a Free weight loss consultation. Check out our FAQ about the Solstice Health Weight Loss Program. Take control of your health today.

At Solstice Health, we offer a comprehensive medical weight loss program that teaches participants how to achieve healthy, realistic goals. The Solstice Weight Loss Program focuses on eating and exercising properly to achieve lifelong, whole-body results. Patients who follow our program as prescribed have a 100% success rate and find a dramatic reduction in the incidence and severity of weight-related health conditions.

Using Your HSA or FSA Account For Medical Weight Loss


Are you looking to lose weight, save money, and utilize your Health Savings Account (HSA), Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Reimbursement Account (HRA)?

Whether your physician prescribed you a weight loss program or you are looking to lose some weight on your own, the Solstice Health Medical Weight Loss Program and food is a qualified expense for you to use funds from your pre-tax accounts. By utilizing the tax advantages of your health expense account, you can lose weight and save money.

We receive many questions on utilizing your health flex spend accounts for our weight loss program. Here are some questions and answers to help guide you through this process.

Q. What is the difference of an HSA, FSA and an HRA account?

A. FSA-Flexible Spending Account or (Flexible Spending Arrangement) is a non-taxable account that you put money into throughout the year to pay for some out-of-pocket health care costs and medical expenses. FSA’s typically have a maximum contribution of $2,500 per year, and usually has to be used by the end of your enrollment year. At times you are able to carry over an amount (up to $500) or extend the time (21/2 additional months). It is always a good idea to check with your employer to understand what rules apply specially to your account. Keep track of what you plan to spend throughout the year so you don’t lose what you have invested into your FSA.

HSA- Health Savings Account is also a non-taxable account that you can withdraw from for qualified medical expenses. Due to the increasing rates of health insurance premiums, many people choose this option to lower their monthly insurance payments, while still having money to put aside in case of a medical emergency. Unlike a Flexible Spending Account, your HSA balance rolls over from year to year, so you never have to worry about losing your savings.

HRA- Health Reimbursement Account is an employer funded, tax advantaged employer health benefit plan that reimburses employees for out-of-pocket medical expenses and individual health insurance premiums. The HRA allows the employer to make contributions to an employee’s account and provide reimbursement for eligible expenses. An HRA allows employees to pay for a wide range of medical expenses not covered by insurance. HRA balances may roll over from one year to the next. An employer may limit what expenses are eligible under an HRA plan.

Q.Can I use my HSA, FSA, or HRA account for the Solstice Health Medical Weight Loss Program?

A. Yes. Our weight loss program is a medically supervised weight loss program and is eligible as a qualified medical expense for HAS, FSA and HRA (check with your employer on what is deemed a medical expense in accordance with the HRA account). Many popular commercial diets on the market often do not cover the weekly food expenses as they are deemed a medical expense. The entire Solstice Health weight loss program including; start-up fees, vitamins, weekly weigh-ins, telemedicine services throughout program, personal digital tools, and all food throughout the duration of the program is considered an eligible medical expense covered through an HSA, FSA and most HRA accounts.

Q.Will Solstice Health submit my HSA, FSA and/or HRA paperwork for me?

A. No. Solstice Health will not submit your paperwork and will not know that you have requested reimbursement under any plan unless you choose to share that information. We are happy to assist you through the submission process.

Whether you are looking to utilize your FSA, HSA, HRA account to lose weight or looking to lose weight without, we can help you achieve your weight loss goals. We would love to help you improve your health today! Contact us today to find out more information on our medical weight loss program.