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Why People Are Turning to Medical Weight Loss

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Managing weight is an essential part of maintaining a healthy body.

Being overweight can contribute to health issues such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, strokes, and kidney disease according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

At Solstice Health, we know that starting a weight loss program on your own can be difficult, scary, and uncertain. This is why we offer medical weight loss, currently at our Wisconsin location.

What Is Medical Weight Loss Essentially?

Our Medical weight loss program, in Wisconsin, concurrent with the promise of no surgeries and prescriptions, is personalized for each patient. It includes regimented exercises and diets prescribed by a medical professional, and weight loss is monitored. This ensures it is done safely.

The diets tend to be more intensive in cutting down on specific caloric intakes in the beginning and then, after thorough progression, the patient is gradually allowed to eat a wider variety. We also focus on using the “ideal” protein foods, which you will learn more about.

Is Medical Weight Loss For Me?

Currently, medical weight loss is an alternative form of therapy for people who want to forgo surgery to reduce their weight issues.

If you feel you need help in creating those healthy lifestyle choices, if you need guidance, if you are looking for an entirely natural solution based, this is for you.

Medical weight loss is a proven and safe way to lose weight, and that is reflected as more of these programs are being created every year, with similar rates of success. Their natural approach helps people shed excess weight without the potential issues that surgery or dietary tablets can give.